I saved Brooklyn!

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Animal Control vans zip through the streets of Brooklyn as Mario and Luigi, which are stashed inside one of them, discuss their......Mario's issues.....

Mario: "Can you believe him! The job of a life time, 10 hundred thousand dollars an hour, and he just wants us to, what, skimp out on it?!?"

Luigi: "Uh-huh..."

Luigi rummages through a tool box, provided to them by the Animal Control guys, as Mario continues to rant.

The vans pass by the destroyed construction site, which Spike is currently crying in the midst of, and the Animal Control van pile up, which has been moved to the side of the road so that cars can pass.

Mario: "It's one thing if I wasn't just beaten up by a monkey-"

Animal Control guy up front: "Kong!"

Mario: "-but I was! And in beating up said previously mentioned monkey-"

Animal Control guy up front: "KONG!"

Mario: "Fine, Kong, whatever! Anyway, in doing so, I was doing the mayor a favor! I was helping the community! Just like papa wanted! But no! It couldn't be good enough for him! Or mama for that matter!"

Outside of a large entrance leading to the sewers of Brooklyn, a Donkey Kong shaped hole is shown in a green fence. The fence has a tarp over it, most likely to try and conceal the hole, but the tarp is flapping around wildly. The vans burst through the fence, and the tarp, and begin to park around the entrance.

Mario: "Come on, ya know, show Mario some respect! But nope, almost no one does, even though I saved Brooklyn just now!"

Luigi: "Yup...."

The van they are situated in parks and has its door opened by a Animal Control Officer to reveal an escort of officers is waiting for them to enter into the sewer. The plumbers get out, with Luigi carrying the heavy toolbox and Mario still ranting.

Mario: "The job was hard, the job was almost impossible, but I still did it! And I did it well! I deserve a vacation! But when I just a bit of money from Pauline, papa has to go against it!"

Luigi: "R-right!"

Once the brothers get to the officers, they escort them down the long LONG entrance as they all make their way towards a large room ahead with beams of light shining inside.

Mario: "You know what, after this job, I'm going to take a vacation!"

Luigi: "What?"

Mario: "Yeah! This will be a big one! I'll be saving Brooklyn twice in two days!"

Luigi: "We'll be saving Brooklyn, WE WILL!"

The group makes it to the large room to see a huge spiral staircase down to a single rain grate. They begin to descend.

Mario: "Well, yeah yeah, of course, you're saving Brooklyn this time as well! SO, we'll take our combined cash from the job and use it to take a trip somewhere exotic! Oh, maybe if we take our time with this job, if you know what I'm saying, then we can afford something really extravagant!"

Luigi: "What?!?"

Mario turns to an officer and speaks to him.

Mario: "Hey, you aren't going to tell Ms.Pauline I said that, right?"

Animal Control Officer: "Sir, I literally do not care!"

Mario rubs his hands together.

Mario: "Oh! We are so taking our time with this one!"

The group makes it to the bottom of the stairs and walks through another Dinkey Kong shaped hole to get to a smaller flight of stairs leading below the water grate.

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