Chp 54

92 7 2


Hello! I'm sick rn, so fic machine. Mwahahahahaha. Also not in school. Take this chapter. Just for fun. It has lots of cats. Cat themed. Enjoy <3

"BOOSSSSSSSSSS!!!" Killer banged on his Nightmare's bedroom door so roughly he was surprised it hadn't flung off it's hinges. He was practically screaming through the door, but the banging alone woke Nightmare up with an annoyed groan.

" What? " He practically growled at the door. Someone better had be dying or someone would be.

"I set fire to the kitchen!" He shouted frantically through the door. That was close enough. He got up and out of bed faster than anyone ever had, yanking open the door and glaring at Killer before teleporting to the kitchen. It was too early for this...

You woke up, everything aching. Especially your lower back. Damn mattress. You felt much older than you should've, not dwelling on it and instead bring yourself to stand and have a stretch before checking your phone.

More texts from Ruby, and one from Nightmare saying he would meet you on Sunday. Nice. But also not nice. It was complicated, too complicated to think about in the morning, so you somehow pushing him out of your thoughts and instead let Ruby occupy them. Combined with a general anger and morning grumpiness after waking up in a mouldy room, you weren't having fun.

But then you realised you had nothing to do today. No work, no hassle, no awkward meetings with exs, nothing. You were free from schedule. A ghost of a smile found it's way onto your face. You could do whatever you wanted today. Although you had the problem of no casual clothes (Other than what you came here in and one of Nightmare's hoodies, like hell you were wearing anything from that list), the closest you had was a sleek black dress that was actually quite sexy. But you couldn't pair that with sneakers. So it was a decision of really formal or Nightmare.

Well then, you guessed you'd have to go formal.

So it was 8 AM and he'd already successfully put a fire out, healed the boys of any burns and was now going to an emergency vet because Luna wouldn't stop sneezing. It was just constant. Probably smoke inhalation, but he wasn't sure regardless, so the vet was a smart decision even if he really didn't want to take his cat out in public.

Why was he always so busy anyway? It was a Saturday. Most people get weekends off, but even on his days off he was running around like a headless chicken playing errand boy. After noon he shouldn't be busy, and he planned to sit in the library and relax at least a little bit, but he seriously doubted something wouldn't come up and wreck his plans. He needed to get a new kitchen now too. The story Killer gave him was that he was hungry. That was the end of it. That was all Killer could say to defend himself.

To be fair, Nightmare wasn't that mad. No one was hurt beyond repair, except possibly his cat. That was upsetting. But she seemed fine except for the sneezing, so she was probably going to be ok. But he didn't know that until she got a check over, which is what he was waiting for. They were busy for 8 AM on a Saturday morning. Luckily for Nightmare, emergency vets weren't exactly the happiest place on earth. He was pretty sure there were at least two people crying in a 10 metre radius of him. Over a dead dog or something like that. Why people were sad didn't bother him, it was just nice to have some negativity at 8 AM when he was stressed. No one could expect better of him.

Although he did notice one thing. A cat was glaring at him. And he didn't like it. At all. It unsettled him.

This is why he didn't like cats. They always looked like they were about to kill someone. He knew he looked like that, but it was different when he had a cat glaring at him from across the room. Dogs didn't glare at people because they were too stupid and happy to do it. They loved people too much. Cats were just hateful.

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