Chp 59

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HiHi! Shortish chapter, but I'm catching a flight tomorrow so I'll be out of commission for the weekend, so I thought I'd give you something to chew on for now.
I want some song recommendations so please gimme gimme!

You told the boys that they were done and gave them hugs before they went home. However, before they left they made you promise that they could see you again later in the week, which you happily agreed to. Nightmare... he gave you a hug, and that was about it. He didn't say any thing else, nor did he do anything else. You wondered if he even was coming to your hotel room later like you'd planned.

He probably wasn't going to after what happened.

As soon as he was out of sight you put your hoodie back on, slowly overheating again. But it was fine. You were fine. Just like you always are.

It was a bit later and you really weren't doing much. Just sitting on the bed and scrolling random sites. You were going to get room service to bring you some noodles or something as soon as you could be bothered, but you planned on putting on some real clothes for that. You were currently sprawled out over the bed in what could only be described as two sizes too big and hella comfy. And as dumb as it sounded, you were staying at a fancy place, so if someone else was going to be in the room you wanted to keep up expectations, meaning you were planning to get all dressed up for room service.

At least, that was your plan before there was a knock at the door.

You scramble about to answer it, nearly falling off the bed in the process.

"Coming!" You shout to the door, expecting it to just be Nightmare or something. Standing with about as much grace as a toddler, you wander to the door, opening it and being met with bright colours, and not a black hoodie.

"Hey brosephine! How's it hanging? Everything cool?" Fresh asks, that familiar 90's dialect hanging around in the air for a minute along with your shock. You had forgotten he existed due to your busy life. Either way you tried to play it off as he lingered in your doorway.

"Ah! Fresh. I'm... I'm good thank you." You say, trying to keep it cool. "What are you doing here?" You add, tilting your head a little out of curiosity.

"Just here to check on my totes rad pal! I heard some not so cool stuff from a little friend of mine, about you and slimy, dark and brooding. Everything chill?" He asked calmly yet still loudly, in that way he always was.

"Yeah, yeah. It wasn't... How did you know about that?" You say, trailing off as you realise how obscure the fact he knew about that was. It wasn't even that big a thing, not like one of the arguments that ended in crying hot messes that used to be you.

"Chill out dude! like I said, one of my radical bros told me about it. No biggie." He shrugged, inviting himself in. You sigh and flop back on the bed after shutting the door, realising you wouldn't be able to control him even if you tried. "So brosephine, wanna hang? I plannin' on showing you this totes rad place that I'm sure you'd dig!"

"I'm staying in today." You sigh, sounding more exhausted than you should've. You didn't look that tired as far as you could tell, but maybe your body was being deceptive. "Would it have been another cryptic link to Nightmare? Because I'm not in the mood for mind games. If you want to tell me something about him then do it." You huff in slight annoyance. You honestly were too much of everything to do anything but sit around and procrastinate about packing up your stuff properly. It was like a blanket of exhaustion was draped over you, hanging heavy and forcing you to be lazy.

Fresh stayed quiet for a moment, eerily so. His glasses even went blank. But then, like the flip of a switch, he went back to normal, freaking you out a little more.

"Nah bro. That wouldn't be very radical of me." He smiles, like he hadn't just completely stopped for a minute. It freaked you out more than him stopping did. "I'd never keep cool secrets from my pals."

"Got it." You say sceptically, calling room service. You don't take your eyes off Fresh though. Maybe Nightmare's stalking habits had instilled paranoia into you, but something about him was really off to you today, and it was making the hairs on the back of your neck prick up a little.

You and Fresh were just sort of sitting around when a knock sounded at the door again, reminding you of how hungry you had gotten. You get up with a sigh and a stretch, before wandering to the door, not really that bothered about what you were wearing at that point.

That's when you opened the door to find Nightmare. Not room service.

Well this is awkward...

You suddenly felt like you were harbouring a criminal or something. You knew how Nightmare was about 'Sanses'. You just regarded every short looking skeleton as a 'Sans' at this point, because that seemed to be the definition. You could tell that he knew something suspicious was going on, because he looked sceptical.

"What's wrong?" He asked calmly, albeit caringly at the same time. He still seemed a bit soft from the earlier conversation you'd had with him, and it showed. To you at least. You'd gotten used to the different body languages of him by now, and you were pretty good at reading his mood.

"I thought you were food." You play it off, with an awkward giggle. Problem is, he could read you just as good as you could read him, if not better. And he clearly knew you weren't being entirely truthful.

"Mhm..." He hums sceptically, before dropping it. Or at least seeming to. "Can I come in?"

"Uh... Just give me five minutes. I've been packing like I said I would so uh... there's clothes everywhere. So I'll just clean up and then you can." Wow. Sounded so convincing. He squints at you for a minute before his expression returned to normal.

"I can help if you want. That was why I was coming over wasn't it?" He says casually, tentacles waving lazily behind him. Almost like a cat's tail while its walking around looking for an adequate place to nap. You close the door a little more behind you and smile awkwardly, waving him off.

"No, no! You're a guest. Just let me clean up and I'l-" You were cut off by Fresh opening the door behind you. Great. You could instantly tell by the way Nightmare's tentacles curled and sharpened, the way his expression hardened into a confused scowl, that he wasn't very fond of Fresh. He wasn't mad at you, just looked almost... protective? Protective suited it. Fresh just waved at him. This really wasn't the best situation to be in. At all.

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