chp 61

110 7 14


Idk bro, i feel bad so have some fluff
Also! My wifey wife XenoTheOracle has gotten back into writing and you should totes support her fic! Its very very cool and silly with Afterdeath fam and stuff. I also blackmsiled her into putting angst in it because i can't write fluff and she can't write angst so I helped her a lil bit. thats why it so good fr.
I don't have a song reccomendation other than listen to a cozy playlist or maybe Home from undertale.
At that, enjoy <3

It turned out that Nightmare had managed a 'compromise' as he called it. It was more a 'I don't want to feel like a lonely old man and his cat, but you want the boys for a weekend, so I'll give you them for like 2 hours.' sort of thing. It was better than nothing, sure, and he'd given you some money to sort out their rooms in your new house-castle-mansion thing, but you would've preferred that they actually got to use their rooms.

He was going to get Cross to teleport them to yours around 12ish, so you were just sorting a few things out for when they came. You had about 2 hours to spare, so why not make it look a little more homely?

It wasn't much, just filling bookshelves and stringing up fairy lights, but it worked. It felt less... cold, in a way. It probably helped that you swapped out the lightbulbs to be a warm colour as opposed to the cool white ones, that sting your eyes when you look at them.

You also stocked up on a bunch of food. Not necessarily because you needed to, but more because you knew that Horror would get upset if he saw an empty pantry, and the last thing you wanted was to trigger any trauma. Your bedroom was liveable, but it was the one place you hadn't decorated to look nicer and more breathable. Just because the boys wouldn't be going in there anyway, so it didn't matter if it was comforting or not.

In all honesty, it was the complete opposite of Nightmare's. It had a sauna and a hot tub, a pool, all that sort of stuff. It was, as a whole, more breathable and less gothic. But it was also smaller, obviously. Less grand. Not that you needed it to look like this. You only really picked this on because you were homeless and it ticked the right boxes. Although you do admit that the hot tub is a nice touch.

After doing all that boring but satisfying work, you had around 40 minutes to spare, so you thought you'd make some brownies for the boys. Just as a welcome gift almost. Plus you hadn't made them in forever, especially not for someone other than yourself. Pity brownies.

You stuck some music on the ridiculously big speakers (Honestly it felt like it should be a party house) and got started, cleaning up after yourself while you were making them. Just because you couldn't be bothered doing any more big bits of cleaning; you had enough of that with the store.

The sickly sweet scent of freshly baked brownies filled the house, and it finally felt like it was yours. If only for a few moments. It was still too echoey and roomy to be yours, more like large halls with nothing to fill them, but you had your nice cosy spaces like the library and it actually looked like someone lived there now. So it was a start.

A knocking sounds at the front door, and you barely hear it over the music, but you manage. You go to the door and open it excitedly, to find Nightmare. With the boys of course.

"I had to come because Cross can't teleport to anywhere he doesn't know." He sighs, reading your expression. "Although I'd like to see what you've done with the place, if you don't mind." He adds, looking past you into the main hall which was currently an open makeshift kitchen/dining room/ living room. So it was a very communal space. Killer waves at you from behind Nightmare, shifting his backpack a little. It made you smile, just to see them properly again.

"Sure. You can have a quick tour." You smile softly, before looking past him and at the boys. "However, I havent picked out the boy's rooms yet, so maybe they'll want to see there first." You smirk, as they seem to start squabbling amoungst themselves almost instantly.

The queen of Nightmares (Nightmare Sans x reader)Where stories live. Discover now