I'm here

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Adam's: POV

Loud music came out of the speakers and purple pulsating lights made the guests sleepy. A girl passed out on the couch. I drank alcohol and smoked weed. I laughed happily. I love being wild and free.

"Hello there gorgeous." said a young boy. "Hi." I replied. "My name is Oliver." he said. "I'm Adam." I replied. "I saw you at school." he said and I nodded my head. Just then the radio started playing Toxic by Britney Spears.

"I love this song so much. Come and dance with me." said Oliver. "No thank you." I replied. "Don't be such a party pooper." he said and took my hand. He dragged me to the dance floor. I felt his hand on my butt. "Get away from me." I said and pushed him away. "What's wrong with you?" asked Oliver. I walked out of the bar and took a taxi home.


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Jack's: POV

I stretched out my hand, but Adam wasn't lying next to me in bed. I put on my robe and walked to the living room, but he wasn't there either. I happened to wake up Esme. She was watching Twilight. "What's wrong?" she asked sleepy. "Sorry I woke you up." I said. I was on my way to my room anyway." she replied. "Have you seen Adam?" I asked. "No." she said. I passed the bathroom and heard him crying. I opened the door and found him sitting on floor. His makeup was running down his cheeks.

"Adam, what has happened to you?" I asked worried. "Oliver touched me." he sobbed. I felt for him. "I'm here." I said and hugged him gently. "He's just like my ex-husband." replied Adam. "You're safe now, I won't let anything harm you." I said.


Addy's: POV

"Do you want a hug?" I asked. "Yes." said Adam. I hugged him. "Thank you Addy, I feel better now." he said.

Thank you glambertbear for being in my book

I feel for Adam

I hope you liked the chapter


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