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Chapter One |Part 2|

Akir sat up on the sofa and stare at his empty unmade bed. The empty bottle of Henney still lay on the carpet. But it wasn't the scent of Alcohol or the way his room was a bit untidy that occupied his mind.

It was the empty bed.

Where was Tornado?

He got up feeling tense all over.

He went into the bathroom but it was empty. He went out into the living area, he saw his bag but he wasn't there. Backtracking into his room he went to his desk where he found his cell phone, without hesitation he dialed T's number but it just rang and went straight to voicemail. He tried again but it was the same result. Deciding that he will try again after he took a shower and filled his stomach with some strawberry tea.

He doesn't like hot beverages. It makes his stomach ache. No matter how much he tries, his mother use to say it was hell when he got sick because she couldn't get him to even inhale the heat just to get something hot inside him.

I don't like hot stuff but the heat of last night kiss was still heavy on my mind. The taste of Liquor and our saliva mixed together was nothing compare to what his body against mine was doing. I can still feel the hardness of the way he held me against wall and the way his mouth latch onto my neck. Looking into the mirror I stare at my neck where two hickies stood firm on both side. I covered them both and let out a reluctant sigh as I step into the shower.

Taking a long deep breath he quickly shower and headed to the kitchen to make himself some breakfast. It was his day off and wasn't due until Friday midday. He checked his phone and still, no call from T. He was worried, they never went this long without texting. T was always the one to bother him constantly whether it was through text or annoying him whenever he was too caught up in drawing.

Which was often because that's where his passion and talent lie.

He tries to call him again but no answer. He left the dishes in the sink and decided to do a load in the washing machine. Just as he shut the door his cell phone blasted, he reach for his phone and realized it was Tamara; Torando's girlfriend.

His inside fell and he took a deep breath and decided to answer;

"Hi A, Torando ask me to pick up his bag at your place can I stop by later for it?" she asked into the phone.

"Where is he?" I asked, wanting to hear his voice. I need to know how he was doing. I can always tell based on his tone of voice no matter how much he tries to play it off.

"He left his phone and went over to his house for a couple of clothes he decided to stay over for a month," she said excitedly.

"Oh," he reply with a bit of silence, leaning against the sink in the washroom.

"when he gets back tell him to call me," I told her and ended the call not wanting to prolong the conversation. Setting the phone on the small pail, he pulled up the knob to let the machine start washing.

Did he remember about last night?

What was he feeling?

Will we stop being friends?

My mind was racing with questions as I separate the towels and sheets from each other. Feeling frustrated I decided to check on my comic. Waiting on the computer to boot up I decided to check my email. I click on my blog page to notice that I have eleven notifications. They were all comments on the recent episode I posted two weeks ago and others on the previous episodes.

He slide the chair towards him and sat down as he open all the notifications, just as he did a messenger pop up and he click on it.

It has the username;

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