Twenty- One |3|

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       I WAS DYING FOR THE WEEKEND but the excitement decapitated when I found out it was my father's Annual Good Samaritan Service and I forgot. I won't spend the weekend in my room but instead, I will be forced to help when I didn't want to and the two days of not seeing Tornado were quickly ruined. I spend most of my time in the kitchen, keeping myself so I won't have to join anything Tornado was taking part in.

"What do you want?" I ask, annoyance lining my voice while I start washing the strawberries under the pipe.

"Let me sleep in your room," Torando says, my body went tense, and my finger shivered. I feel every muscle within my body stiff. I thought I would have a calm weekend, but imagine my surprise when I got home and found Torando and my father playing football in the yard with a few other guys.

And to make things worse, a few of the guys and  Damion were here, and he kept eyeing me, especially when Torando got close. Does he like T? I always think he does.

"T, can you help me with this ?" My mother asked from across the counter.

"Let me do it," he rushed to help her. I let out a gush of breath. I continue to wash off the strawberries when Damion steps into the kitchen with a basin of gutless fish and another guy with a bucket of chicken.

"Where should I put Ma'am?" Damion asked. "Akir, hurry and move so we can get started on the seasoning." She says.

"I am finished," I say as the sound of my cell phone goes off again. I went towards the counter to retrieve it when Torando picked it up and tapped to Decline the call.

     "Give me my phone," I gritted, he slid it into his jeans pocket. "Family time," he rephrased the words my father used to scold me.

"Suck your mother," I spat.

"Akir James!" My mother raised her voice. 

"What's your problem, We have people over quit with the attitude. You're not a girl." She says.

"Tell him to give me my phone." I voice out my tone, still strong.

"Phone off," my father walks into the kitchen, his huge body blocking the light.

"Give it to me." He says as I watch Torando hand him my phone, my anger circling, my mother's phone going off. I slide the basket of strawberries roughly on the counter.

"Hello," I hear my mother answer the phone.

"Akir, you want to speak to Akir?" She asked. Her gaze landed on me. Neril and Tammara step into the kitchen with grocery bags.

"He's busy. Can you call him back later?" My mom suggested. "Okay, Sir, I will hand over the call." She handed me her phone. I glance at the screen, and I notice it is a New York area code.

"Hello," I answered.

"Hey, Shortcake," Ronen's voice sounded into the phone. "I wanted you to join a meeting with me, but I can tell it's not the right time." He says.

"Sí," I replied.

"No puedo hablar ahora te volveré a hablar del cartel. Siento que no se haya hecho bien." I told him in Spanish. Both girls glance over in my direction.

"OK, Shortcake. Text me when you can." I replied and ended the call abruptly handing my mom back her cell phone.

"Who was that? How did he get my number." Mom asked.

"Just a friend that I am doing an important project for. I had given the number since I told him I was busy this weekend." I lied, avoiding their eyes, especially Torando.

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