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Hey Shortcake!😘 Can I be your Main One?

Without hesitation, I texted back rolling my eyes.

Are you flirting with me again?

He replies;

Yes! It motivates me Kir.

I shook my head and allow the mp3 he attach to his first text to play. Allowing Mario's voice to vibrate in my ears. The beat was giving me late 2000 vibes. It's been a while since these beats hit the soundwave. Another text chimed in but because the taxi came to a stop I slip my phone into my pocket, pay the driver and exit the car.

IT'S BEEN A WEEK AND A HALF since I've reunited back to myself and a lot has transpired. Venzí and I have reconciled, we have lost touch since my early high school days I have known him through my first Ex Gabriel. He was the only one within Gabriel's group that didn't mind that I was different or that I choose to be around his friend alone.

But when the rumors started he disappeared and I haven't seen him since it was through Gabriel I learn that his parent send him back to the country to live with his grandparents. He was all grown looking handsome and a bit rough to my liking but I was happy to have him around again. I know very well that T and he wouldn't get along because Venzí doesn't let certain things slip and T just reacts selfishly without thinking about how it affects anyone.

"Let me look at you," my mom says as she cups my face to check my face and body.

"I hate when you get sick, you don't look like my baby." She cooed, spinning me around to look me up and down.

"Bring him to come here, let me fill his gut," my grandmother bellows from inside the house. I followed my mom into the house to see my father eating at the dining table, dressed in a suit.

I nod to my father, he simply looks me up and down and continues to eat. I went over and pulled my grandmother into a hug, squeezing her tightly and kissing her on the cheek.

"Sit down and eat," she demands and I did as told as she slip a plate of food which consists of Boil dumplings, boil bananas and boil plantain with baked Beans and Saltfish. I took the fork my mother offered and started to eat as I watch her open the fridge and pulled out a tea cup and place it next to my plate.

"Thanks, Mom," I lean my head into her stomach as I chew.

"All you need is a nice girl and your life is set." My grandmother look on, I look into my plate and filled my mouth.

"I am fine grandma," I told her.

"I want some grandbabies," she smiled at me.

"You're only saying that now until they start driving you crazy with the noise." I chuckle, the sound of my father pushing back his chair cut the mood. We went to toss his plate into the sink before he took up his bag and heads out the door my mother following behind him.

My cellphone vibrated.

It was a text from T.

It reads;

Why didn't you tell me you were going home?

I scoff and slide my phone onto the dresser as I open my tablet and set it on the desk. Another text chimed in and I ignore it.

How long are you going to ignore me? I apologize to Jessica and she has forgiven me.

I set back the phone and slide open my tablet allowing it to rest for a while as I head over to my backpack to unpack and retrieve my airport. She only forgives because she knows I'll give him the real punishment. T goes crazy when I don't talk or pay him any mind. Even though I was happy to wake up in his arm, I couldn't ignore the fact he hurt Jessica and tried to pick a fight with Venzí.

The ballad of Akir JamesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora