Twenty - Two |1|

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          I STEP OUT OF THE TAXI. Just as I shut the door, the driver drove off like he was in a hurry to get somewhere. I hitch my bag onto my shoulder, holding the small grocery bag as I reach into my pocket for my phone. I had made a stop at the mini shop at the taxi stand, knowing Eli wouldn't have the snacks I liked.

    I have been calling on the drive up, but there was no answer. I know he's home because he answered my texts early this morning. He's probably busy, I thought as I started the journey up the lane towards his house. It was a residential area, so it was gated, and because I didn't have enough cash on hand I had to stop off at the main, which was a good distance before reaching the gate.

Still no answer.

I arrived at the gate, where a woman stood inside the security hut. She got up and leaned on the doorpost to stare at me. My phone rang, and I glanced down to see Torando calling. I quickly tap the airplane icon, shifting my phone into airplane mode. I slide my phone into my jeans and approach the gate.

"Good evening, Is Eli home?" I asked.

"What is the residence number?" She asked.

"58, I am his cousin," I told her. 

"Give me a second." She says and steps back into the hut as she reaches for the phone. I watch her speak into the phone as a white Honda pulls up to the gate.

    I step away as the woman inserts a number into a small pad attached to the gate, and within a second, the gate opens inward, and she drives in. I waited until the gate shut before stepping back at the gate. A couple stroll up towards me enter through the walk-in gate and turn left.

"Akir?" The security guard asked.

"Yes," I answered. I watch as she hangs up the phone, steps out of the hut, and allows me into the residence. "Eli isn't in, but Cavlon will come and get you." She says, shutting the gate, I nodded.

"You wait there," She says, looking me up and down. She steps back into the hut as my cell phone rings. I reached for it, and based on the ringtone, I knew It was Torando. I declined the call and decided to send my mom a text that I had arrived.

    A car drives down to the gate, A guy wearing a wig pushes his head out.

"Let me out beautiful," he slurs with an attitude, his eyes taking me in.

"Where you heading off to Chrissy?" the security asked with laughter.

"To get my body tackle up and some money." He says, jumping up in his seat, flashing his hair from side to side as he uses his hand to keep the hair from his face.

"You too bad," the guard laughed.

"Who's the cutie?" He leaned out and took me in.

"Off limit," A strong male voice appears, I look up to see Cavlon walking towards me dressed in black sweatpants and a matching vest, one hand in his pocket as he reaches up and places his hand on Chrissy Car.

"Ah Cavvy, why are you always taking the good-looking ones?" He pouted his hand over his heart to show that he was hurt. He shakes his head at the guy.

"Goodbye, Chris," he says in a firm tone.

"Okay, sexy. See you around." He says, giving me a once overall flirty look before driving out of the premises.

"Better keep him out of sight, Chrissy got his eyes on him." The security says. "Not his taste," Calvin says, The security looks over at me, and I see the mild shock within her expression. It's been a while since I have acquired that look from anyone it cause me to shift on my feet. The 

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