Twenty Four |2|

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The thought of Akir breaking up with him scrapes at every muscle within his body. I shift in the seat in discomfort. Fuck, he thought, as he park the car a few houses down from Akir's parent's house. I reached for the coconut-flavored water, took a gulp, and hoped it would sedate the anger swimming inside him.

      The sound of a van driving up the lane causes him to look out. It was Van carrying a huge box with the machine label on it. Three guys stood in the back, talking to each other while two rode in the front. He watches as the van drives and stops at Akir's parents' house. The driver jumped out and started calling over the yard.

   His phone vibrated.

It was a text from Jesica.

I click on her name, and it reads.

Your man went ballistic on his ex.

A Pic pops up. It was a photo of Akir being held back by Eli and Olan. Another photo came in it was a picture of the bastard feeling his neck and a busted lip.

   Another text came in.

It reads;

Are you going to pick me up? Or do I need to find my way home?.

Find your way home. I texted. Tossing my phone onto the passenger seat. A vehicle drives a bike as another comes up the lane and stops at Akir's parent's house. I watch him climb out, pay the driver, and rush across the road to the men waiting at the gate.

    No one came out with him, which state he came alone. He opened the gate and allowed them to drive into the yard to where I couldn't see them anymore. He waited for an hour but he couldn't bear it. I climbed out of the carShutut the door, slid the keys into my pocket, and walked up the pavement leading to the house.


                          I OPEN THE DOOR and my inside stilled when my eyes fell on Ronen's frame. Right away, I could feel his anger radiating on me from where he stood. I was hoping we could talk when I got to Jessica, but I could tell he's impatience based on the way he stood tall at the doorway. Especially after what T told him earlier.

"How long?" He questioned as I padlocked the grill, Ms. Penny peered over the fence, and Ronen quickly stepped into the house. "Akir a Who Dat?" She asked from the fence.

"A friend from work," I quickly answered and watched as she tried to get a look at Ronen. "Alright, I am going to pick up Zevia from the daycare." She announced. I nodded, waving as I watched her exit out of her yard and start down the lane. I waited until she was a few yards away before stepping into the house. I pulled the door up as I turned to see Ronen's arms crossed glaring at me.

"The court people are still here. Give me a few, and then we can talk." I told him.

"It can't wait," he spat, anger thick in his tone. I look up at him. His frame seems wider and taller, and he glares at me. "Yo A bring us a hammer," one of the guys called out, and within an instance, he stood at the door, holding two cups.

"Ok, give me a second," I stepped towards him and took the cups. "Have any more beer?"He asked as I saw Ronen from the side of my eye go down the hallway to my room, I supposed. An hour later the men were finished. I shut the front and headed for my room, where I found Ronen sitting down staring at old photos of Torando and me, which I started to stuff away in a box. I shut the door and place the key on the dresser Ronen's eyes, take me in. My skin shivered with nervousness.

"You guys back together?" Was the first question he asked, standing up. "It's not like that?" I answer. "So you haven't fuck him since I left?" He went straight to the point. I took a deep, hard breath.

"It's hard to explain," I replied, I looked to the ground. "Look at me, Akir," he says warningly. I keep my gaze on the ground. He cut the distance between us, he stood in front of me.

"Look at me," he repeated and I stared up at him. "How long?" He asked. "Couple weeks after you left," I answered honestly. He raised his hand and set it by the side of my head. He shut his eyes tightly.

"I am sorry," I reach up to touch him. He slaps my hand away. "I had to. He stole our photos and threatened to show my parents." I told him.

"Did he have a gun at your head?" He asked, I shook my head.

"A knife?" He continued. "Was he strangling you?" He asked after.

"So he didn't threaten your life directly, just word of mouth, right?" He says.

"What's the point?" I asked.

"What's the point?" Ronen chuckled darkly.

"You allow him to manipulate you. Just like that because of some pictures, Akir. What the fuck?"

"He threatened to tell my parents who have no clue I am attracted to men. It may be easy for you, but down here, they murder men like me." I told him.

"Do you still love him?" He asked.

"What kind of question is that?" I asked. "You do if you allow him to be fucking you every night while talking to me." Ronen gritted.

"It's not fucking easy, Ronen," I snap, The anger spiraling up inside me.

"I can't just push him out of my life when I have made him the one my whole life. I never thought I'd meet you." I blurt out, frustrated. I can't remember the last time I had an actual argument with someone I'm really into. I have argued with T but it wasn't the same, our fights always shifted to the bed because I was afraid it would lead to that moment. So I always shift it to where we're both on the same page.

"He's freaking everywhere! He's in this house! he's at my apartment! he is at my workplace! he's friends with my friends! He's in my dreams, which are nightmares. I can't just flush him out like that. It's not easy." Tears burn my eyes, and I shake.

"He is fucking hurt me. He got me rape and I can't tell anyone because Noone believes Men get Rape." "So sorry I have to allow myself to be raped every night just to keep my fucking life sane!." I snap heat rushing upon my skin.

"I rather he hurt me, than hurt you. I can handle it." I breathe.

"I can fight, you know." He says, He steps forward, I step back. He grabs me and I wheel out of his grasp, dropping on the bed. He stayed there looking at me. "You ever drunk in love feeling lonely?" I muttered out questions.

"That's what being with him feels like, I don't even remember the good days anymore. That night ripped everything apart. " I gush out, he joins me on the bed, taking my hand in his. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have let him rile me up," Ronen says.

" I don't blame you, I would be too if I flew down and saw my boyfriend still talking closely to his ex," I say.

"I'm sorry," I told him.

"I am still upset with you fucking him at the party," he spoke firmly.

"He cornered me. Because he thought I call you down here." I told him honestly.

"And threaten me to break up with you," I told him.

"If he thinks that gonna happen. He makes a sad mistake," Ronen says, I rest my head on his shoulder. "Akir," he calls my name.


"Let this be the last and final time you ever be intimate with a guy. I don't share," he says warningly, staring into my eyes. I look into his honey-brown eyes. He cups my face and my hands on his leg. "promise me," his thumb caressed my bottom lip. "because the only place I want to see this mouth is eating food, strawberries, and me." he licked his mouth. "Not on anyone so they can use it to hurt you because the next time. I won't hesitate to draw blood," he says.

"I Promise," I vow.

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