Twenty-three |3|

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         JESSICA, SETH AND I climb out of the car together, followed by Venzi and his sister Ariel. The sound of loud mellow music could be heard coming from Akir's parent's house. A couple of older men stood out by the gate with Rum bottles and cups. While they all devour plates of food. I watch as they all eye Jessica's ass as she walks by, and while a few younger guys take in Ariel, who attached herself to her brother.

    I followed Venzi as he entered the yard, and someone called to him. Neril jumps onto Jessica, squealing and screaming in Glee. Jessica was supposed to spend only two weeks in the state, but she overstayed because she got sick the following week, so she stayed another couple of months. I took in the surroundings as I noticed Torando and Olan's eyes falling onto me in shock. 

For the past few months, Akir has been distant. He does call but not as often as he used to. It was during one of our calls I sensed something off and when I asked about it he just avoided the question by shifting our conversation to me but it got worse when he only called me after work but never when he reached home. Even Jessica could tell something was off, she phoned Seth, and it was through him we learned that he had moved out and away from the apartment complex with Venzi. This leaves me to one conclusion; Torando. which takes him back to the call Jessica received a couple of weeks ago;

      Jessica's phone was going off all morning, interrupting my sleep. It's  been a heavy couple of weeks and I have finally manage to sleep in I shoved her lightly to wake her up as it continued to ring, vibrate, and chime with messages and notifications.

"Goldie, get your phone," I groan sleepy, reaching for a pillow to cover my head as I tugged Ronen's strawberry pink blanket into my chest. Jessica stretched and rolled over as she finally picked up her phone. She mumbled noncurrent words as she took in her phone.

  "Bomboclaat!" She shouted, I spurt up instantly. "What is it?" I asked.

"Called Akir!" She spat, a fear lit in her voice as she flew out the bed, and I did too upon hearing Akir's name. Instantly, I reach for my phone as she phones Neril, who instantly picks up.

"What happened?" Jessica asked as I dialed Akir's number, but it went straight to voice mail. My mom came into the room confused. Jessica held up her finger to her mouth to signal my mom to be quiet. The sound of Neril bawling echoes through the phone speaker.

     "Neril, talk to me," Jessica blurts out impatience as I try to call Akir's phone.

"Jevel told everyone that Akir is gay and everything went downhill from there." Neril started.

"Jessica, send a video in the group of Akir going down on Charles, and he went feral. Akir tried to get out before it escalated, but they caught up with him." She sobs uncontrollably. Neril started crying again.

Akir went down on Charles?

  "Hold on," Jessica says, as she exited the call and went to the Group WhatsApp message where a video was waiting to be opened. She clicked on it, and instantly, the video started. It shows a naked Charles on a couch, obviously drunk and out of it, and someone pushes Akir's head in the frame and watches as he takes Charles's manhood into his mouth and then the video is cut off.

"You know about this?" I asked, thinking that Akir tells her everything and nothing.

"Who are you talking to?" Neril asked.

"Nobody, where is Akir?" She asked as I tried to call his phone again. Straight to voice-mail.

"I don't know, Olan is waiting for him at his apartment, but he hasn't shown up since he helped him into a taxi yesterday." She says. My inside did a gigantic flip into fear as I headed out of the room and into my office to retrieve my tablet.

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