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I DIDN'T WANT TO BE HERE. Torando requested that I look

be here. Being surrounded by too many males drinking Alcohol while they boisterously laugh and make fun of others was too much for me. I rather be home, burning my fingers illustrating and writing than be out in the open to be judged for being too uptight and not manly enough.

T has a few of those companions and every time I am around them I feel unsafe that if I look too long they will assume and gang me. It's not that I wouldn't fight back but if anything should happen a few people would blame me for putting myself in that area. Even the slightest glance that lingers too long pisses them off easily and they blurt out some homophobic slander that hurts.

I can't go up to them and mention how it hurt because it gives too much away and then I'll be labeled a batty man for voicing out my feelings. It's Sunday and we are on the ball field playing football. I excuse myself after the second round because I was tired of their rough pushes and I wasn't in the mood to play anymore.

I reach for the bottle of water that was sitting at the side of my bag and took a couple of huge gulps before wetting my face and drying my face with the towel I brought. I tossed the towel over my shoulder leaning back on my hands as I took in the scene before me. This was the only time I could admire the other guys without looking suspicious because everyone watches the guys playing ball.

I could watch sweat dripping down the chest of the guys as they run passes me to get the ball and when they stop to rest I could take a good once over to look at their assets to judge they had a big ass and who need more. It was only a few rare times I would catch one or three guys without underwear so their dicks will swing beautifully under their jersey shorts.

"Stop It dawg," T drop beside me, I pulled myself up and watch as he took my water, he uncorked it and hold it away from his mouth as he allow the water to fall into his mouth without touching the bottle. Ever since we talk about the kiss Torando has been eyeing me closely and picking up on my tiny secrets.

It was nice he was giving me attention but I was just being his sidepiece whenever we were alone. Tamara was the one getting everything I wanted.

Kisses out the open.


The Post about her

And Sex.

"One of Olan's friends having a breakfast cookout on the bottom road, let's check it out." He suggested laying on the ground, I try not to look back at him because I'll stare too long and we are in public.

"Okay," I answered as Olan and two of his friends from work followed behind using their shirts to wipe the sweat from their faces.

"You guys coming?" Olan asked as bent forward using his knee to rest.

"Yeah Mon," T answered as I shift my gaze to the rest of the guys still playing.

"Come on let's go," One of the guys said, I got up and followed behind as a few of our other friends did too. I quickly walk to Torando's car and just as I was about to take the passenger seat, Devan one of his friends beat me to it.

"Yo D, Get in the back. I need Akir to do something on my phone." I hear Torando blurt out.

"Can't he do it in back," Devan voiced out in a rough tone.

"I'll do it later," I told him as Devan started to turn the dial on the radio. Devan was one of those guys who believe all his friend's stuff is his and never bought their own.

"Yo D, Who invite you?" Olan asked as I toss my bag into the trunk of the car as tossed a T-shirt onto my body.

"Mi hungry swag." He answered.

The ballad of Akir JamesWhere stories live. Discover now