Twenty -Seven | part 1

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        I parked the car inside the KFC parking lot, got out, and waited for Akir's mother. She told Akir she would wait at KFC. I noticed that the movie rental place was next to, but the door stated that it was closed. The KFC was still swimming with people, probably at lunchtime. I got out the car, shut the door and waited, leaning against the car when I notice a couple girls starring in my direction but when I caught them the set their gaze back to their food spread out before them.

Reaching inside the car, I pick up my phone upon hearing it ringing. "Hello," I answered.

"Where are you park?" She asked.

"I am in front of KFC ." I answered.

"I see you," She says as I notice the familiar woman with medium size hips wearing women yellow short and a plain White T-shirt with a Teddy Bear graffiti at the front that she play down with a flat shoes that almost resemble a sneakers but the fabric was much thinner. Right away, I could tell Akir got his fashion sense from her. She looks gorgeous despite the heavy expression upon her face. Her pretty hair was pulled into one with massive curls at the ends. She wore a silver watch and a matching bracelet and necklace that didn't overpower attire.

"Good day, Mrs. James," I approached, reaching for the bag she has in her hand.

"It's  Featherstone," She corrected me.

"I'm sorry," I muttered nervously  as she stepped to the car.  I quickly open the passenger side door and let her get inside. I shut the door and place her bag on the back seat as she sets her tote on her lap as she buckles her seat belt.

I climbed in and started the car.

        I could feel her eyes on me as I drove, the hesitation within her breathing. I feel her eyes roam my entire being, as she took in my phone and the car. I watch her fidget with her bag straps as her eyes take in Akir's Doublemint  strawberry chew mints.

"You can have a few. They are for Shortcake, I am sure he don't mind." I say out loud.

"Shortcake?" She voice questionly.

"Akir, I am used to calling him by his nickname I made for him." I told her, setting my eyes on the road.

"I have a thing with names, so I tend to call everyone by whatever nicknames I can remember them as." I told her.

"Even your parents?" She asked. I nodded. She looks at me wide-eyed with a small smile.

"What you call your mom?" She asked.

"Hazel, cause she has a terrible hazelnut allergic. And my dad, I call him Pa or Vongh he's a painter." I told her.

"Why Shortcake?" She asked.

"Cause he's short and sweet like a cake. Despite his mute and introverted stilled face. After our first kiss, I was craving Strawberry Shortcake, something I haven't had since my teen. It was my go-to dessert." I told her, her expression shifts lightly.

"Sorry, was that too much?" I asked, not knowing the level of discreet I should be around her. Akir and I haven't really talked since she caught us in bed. It's been years since I have been discreet or careful around people when it comes to my sexuality.

" Too soon, I'm still wrapping up my thoughts," She uttered, I looked over at her, seeing how much Akir had taken off her beauty. The resemblance was so uncanny.

"I'm sorry, but I'll be honest. I'll try to be discreet, but I won't promise how I'll behave once I'm near Akir." I told her, hitching myself up in the driver's seat.

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