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        AFTER UNDRESSING, I lifted the grocery bags and slip them onto the island. The scent of my fruity disinfectant lingered lightly in the air. I look at the kitchen door to see that the mop was hooked to the metal gate. I walked across the cold floor to touch the mop.

It was wet.

Did Seth spill something? I wonder. The ringing of my phone rings out, I turned and glance to see it was Tamara. I groaned and decline the call for the umpteenth time today. I head to my room and the first thing that caught my eye was the two pink Balloon ties to my desk chair. While a small pink and white gift bag stood in the center of my chair, with a ripped page folded in half underneath the bag.

I stare at the bag before taking the page from underneath it. I unfolded, and stare at T's handwriting. It reads;

I know this time what I did stinks

I got you something pink

Yours Only, T

Reaching for the bag I open it to see that it was two packets of drawing pencils and they were pink. "You asshole, It's not so easy this time." I frown as I toss the bag in the bottom drawer of my desk where all his other apologies are. Using my foot to shut the drawer, I head to the bathroom. I would give anything to have the courage to stab him with the pencil instead.

I walk out of the bathroom to my phone ringing, I reach for it. It was Tamara again and this time I decline and block her number. I didn't do it earlier because I thought she would stop after T answered her. I don't know what's going on between them but for once I didn't want to care.

Torando spends two days in my apartment drinking and calling in sick from work.

Venzi keeps asking why doesn't he go to his place. His staying in my apartment while going through his quiet phase is a mode I know very well. He does what he does and I simply ignore him til the right apology comes out. So coming home to little gifts for the past few days doesn't faze me. I am just waiting for the sexual phase to flame up and that's when I'll get him.

I know it's stupid flaring up another crap with him. It's like I'm addicted to the bipolarness that rushes him. It was only supposed to be for a week but then that night happen.

Italic begins

The atmosphere was drenched with the smell of beer and Rum. I took in the surrounding to see a few guys lighting cigarettes, while a few rowdy ones kneeling weeds in their hands. I sigh in dissatisfaction as T took the bag from my grip.

"It's just a sidebar thing, why do you dress so clean brother?" Devan asked, I ignore him and greeted the others. 

"Hey T, I can't stay long. I need to get home, I have a deadline." I lied wanting to leave the area.

"Come on man A, chill nuh man," T stare at me as he gulped the red stripe beer within his grip. Using his hand to wipe the wetness from his mouth he sat back down a bucket as he join the group of guys huddling together over a wooden board game name Ludo. 

"Aren't you bored in the house," Charles called out edging Torando on.

"You haven't chilled with us in a while," Devan spoke again.

A loud commotion blasted from the far side of the bar. "Yo, batty boy move your blood clot from Yah!" One of the guys shoved another guy and before you know the guy retaliate and throw a beer at him and without hesitation they started to fight. A couple of the guys rush to witness closer before a police officer in plain clothes and his friend struggle to get them apart. 

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