Four |1|

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I STIR stiffly on the bed. I tried to move, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I glance down to see T asleep as he hugged my waist. When did he get back? I wondered. I tried to pull away but he grab tighter, moaning in his sleep. He cuddle closer into me as the sound of both our phones alarm that it was eight am. I reach over using my free hand when Torando spurts up grabbing his phone and dismissing the alarm before falling onto me. I groan as his hand grazes my morning hood and he falls onto me.

"I am sorry about the other day," he apologized sleepy, I feel his hand rubbing my gut.

"I just can't do it," he told me, I sigh out loud, still a bit frustrated that I don't want to talk about it. "For now," he raises straddling me, both his hands on opposite sides of my head as he stares at me.

"It's ok," I lied, looking elsewhere in my room, his hands move.

"Your lying," he moves my face so that I was staring at him. "I know you want to buss their balls and I keep holding back out on you. How about a treat?" He leans down close to my ears and whispers my cock hardens as his breath brushes against my skin, he presses his warm cheek against mine.

"What do you mean?" I turn to stare at him. He cups my face and stares into my eyes, I swear it was his favorite thing to do. "I'll give it to you this weekend." He pulled me up, him sitting on me. He cups my face and inches closer to me before he flies off me and the bed.

"T," I groan out loudly hitting the bed as he shut the bathroom door, his laughter sounds from behind the door. It was Wednesday and we were both off. I was surprised he asked for it. I got up, made the bed, and decided to get started on breakfast.

At ten thirty I was out the door to my surprise he was too. "Where are you going?" I asked as he close the door behind him. "It's our day," he said, I stare at him confused. "Let's go," he heads down the pavement, out the gate, and down the road where we would catch a taxi since his car was still at the Shop.

"Are you going to Paper N Things today?" He asked, I nodded.

"Good, I need something there." He told me.

" Yo Really? " I asked.

"Yeah man, and your buying it." He told me, I rolled my eyes as a taxi stopped at our feets.

After spending hours shopping we stop for lunch at Juice Patties, which he paid for. If our life was a boys' love series this day would be a date. I smiled as I stare at him from the crowd of people waiting on their orders. His hand tuck in his Jeans as he sneaks unlikely glances at me. It wasn't until we arrived at Paper N Things he disappeared into the aisles.

"Akir," A familiar voice called my name. I turned to see Sevonnia one of the store worker walking up to the front to meet me. "I have your order ready to go," she smiled up at me, staring into my eyes.

"Okay, I am waiting on T, he went to get something," I told her.

" No problem, " she went around the counter to assist another customer. I kept glancing down the aisle for T but I couldn't see him. "Can you watch my bags?" I asked Sevonnia, she nodded and I started down the aisle but stop abruptly when T came up to me with two black leather bound books and three packs of gel ink pens. I stare at him.

"What?" He asked, walking past me towards the counter.

"Nothing," I told him.

"What do you do with those books, you always let me buy them but I never see you use them," I told him. "I give them to a girl." He chuckled. I shoved him and he laugh. After I paid for everything we left and head back home. The rest of the day consisted of us making out while watching my favorite movies. Never knowing that the weekend would consist of me meeting the real T.

The ballad of Akir JamesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant