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EVERYTHING between Tornado and I relationship seems somewhat perfect ish, long as I don't: demand or execute anything gay in front of our friends or touch him whenever in public. It's forbidden which I understand, I know there is no way I could be open with him. Two: Never get or look Jealous about him and Tamara especially when they display intimacy in public which was a lot. So you can imagine how many times I have been bitten by jealousy.

But what ick me the most? He balances the both of us so well.

He spends the days with her outside once he doesn't have work and when he's tired he slides into my presence like I suddenly pop in his head whenever he wants and I am not allowed to complain. Recently it has been a struggle because Tamara has become more clingy and demanding more attention, she even tries to get me involved whenever they have an argument and I always have to excuse myself before I explode. Like today I wanted him to spend the morning with him because he promise he would it was our anniversary, but he came up with excuses so I just ignored him until now.

"What are you doing?" Torando walks into my room, I quickly click on the mute button and minimize the video chat with Ronen. Even though we have been in a complicated relationship for three years, I still haven't told him about Ronen.

For some unknown reason, I didn't want to.

It's not like Ronen and I are items we're just friends. Friends?. I wondered Well even though it started a bit of him wanting a relationship the long distance didn't seems okay for me especially. I was braver and talking to him behind the screen. He often flirts with me and I allow him because it's not like I was getting it from T as much as I wanted. Ronen knows about T but not about our relationship, just that he's my best bud and we're very close.

Ronen and I very often mess with each other way past the boundaries of a bl illustrator and his fan. It happen twice when T got me all hot and heavy wanting sex but never wanting to go beyond foreplay. The furthermost we've ever been sexually was when he did that threesome in his apartment and he never touch me like that again.

It was a moment I always crave to have, even if it wasn't his cock. His touching anywhere beyond a hand job would be everything. I even remember one night I started because he was coming over, he saw me and he just stood at the door and watch me pleasure myself until I release and all he did was walk over, pulled me into a hot kiss, took up his belonging and left.

"Just a fan," I answered, pulling myself out of the chair, texting a brb to Ronen, and stepping to him. Without hesitation, he pulled me into his arm and we hugged, I caress his wide shoulder, running my hands down his sculpture body, and he moans lightly.

"I miss you," he smiled above me.

"You just tired because work was hell." I slide my hand to his torso. He always gets clingy when he has a rough day at work, I know him too well to not know his tricks.

"True but it would have been worth it if I had your face to look at." He reaches for the waist of my shorts, edging it down but I stop him, he reaches for my neck and sucks on the skin there.

"I am busy," I told him, looking towards my desk where a dozen stuff scattered.

I have been relocated to another company nearby in town and he has to take on my load work since he was the lead work below me and they haven't found anyone to take my place but the head boss wanted me at this location to help spurts sale because my work and leadership is phenomenal. But even though I had this job, I still sign up for another job as a comic drawer for the Jamaica Observer which pays well then I had this Only Fans blog which Ronen suggest it's where I post my uncensored drawings and my surprise, it gains more than my blog did.

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