Twenty |2|

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      THE CLEAR WATER splashes upon the huge rocks as the salty smell floats into the air. The atmosphere wasn't chilly as the sunset bathed upon us, the sound of young couples chatting in pairs could be heard a few feet and spaces out. I made sure to choose the far end of the rocks where I knew no one would venture.

      Half an hour after the chaos with  Tornado. Ronen stepped into my room, taking my tablet and pencil away before leading me out the door with just two towels and his phone. We didn't say anything during the whole drive until we got to our destination, even though he made a stop at the Starbucks on the bottom road.

   He purchased a Strawberries and Cream Frappuccino with an Iced Caramel Macchiato for himself along with a couple of butter croissants along two bottles of water. One was a Coconut water he purchased at a mini-mart on the way to One Man Beach Park. I was sitting on a huge rock while he sat before me his feets up on the rock next to the one I was sitting on.

A scream echoes with laughter causing us both to glance behind us to see a guy holding up a female, preventing her from falling off the stone. While their friends laugh at them. One guy had his girlfriend in his lap, hands on her waist, eyeing her ass sneaky as she bend over to laugh at the scene. While the other couple tried to see which direction was best for them. I reach for my drink and stare out into the sea watching it flow out into the open.

"Do you wanna leave?" I hear him ask, staring at me. I looked at him and shook my head. He's still staring at me looking directly into my eyes. I shoved him away by the leg and he laughed. I smiled taking in the way Sunset colored his eyes making his honey-colored shade an orangeish color with a green outer ring.

"Stop looking at me like that?" I told him, he edge closer and I shoved him away checking to see if anyone looking at us down the beach. But today the beach was very empty. "Like what?" He asked still staring at me with a mischievous smile.

"You know what." I lick my lips absent mind causing him to grab the back of my leg sending a sensation through my body. I slapped his hands away but thankfully no one could see us because I was kinda slouching back on the rock while my feets were from view. I look out into the sea again when I feel his hand reach up the leg of my shorts but he pulls swiftly causing me to slap my leg instead of his hand. He laughed and I shook my head.

"Stop!" I gritted sternly with a slight smile. "Ok shortcake," he stood up inhaling the salty air, I looked at him as he reached for his Shirt to look inside his shirt. He shakes his shirt as he continues to look inside his shirt.

"I keep feeling something crawling on me," he says. I straightened up but stopped midway when I realized we were in public. What is it about Ronen that lets me forget where we are? I took a deep breath and placed my hand on my lap.

"You're trouble for me, Ro, I can already see it," I told him sipping my drink, eyeing him.

"You said you didn't mind trouble." He smiled, before shifting his gaze to the sunset reflection upon the wide scape of the water. "Feeling better?" He asked still staring out into the open air, as the chill air rushed upon us.

"Mi good," I answered. I just never expected Torando to take things this far. All because I haven't spoken to him, does he understand how scared, angry, and sad he has made me?

"Why did you give him all your money?" Ronen asked, I scraped my feet against the rock. "Jessica exaggerated, I just gave him my partner's savings I got. two days ago." I grip the rock and look up at the sky, he stares back at me.

"You gave him all of you but he gave nothing back- unless he benefits from it." I hear him say.

"It happened to the best of us," I shrug my shoulders and stare down at my feet, shaking with sand that was still etched on my sneakers.

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