Seventeen |3|

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      "AM I ALLOWED to do it at Jessica?" Ronen leaned over and asked. "Ronen we are in public?" I scold him looking behind us at the couple sitting in the far corner waiting to get served. I glance at the two male workers preparing picture packages.

"I whispered, you're the one making it obvious." He smiled at me, He arched himself on the counter as I set my gaze on the laptop screen, hiding how flush he made me. The sound of the door buzzing caused everyone to fall on Bellamy holding a couple of frames as Ezra held the door for him.

One of the guys from behind the counter rush to help him. "No, I'll hold these, just get the equipment from the van." He says as Ezra hands him a key.

"Ok Sir," he says as he waits until Ezra comes in with his Chef Coat, his backpack, a stack of huge gift bags, and a camera bag that belongs to Bellamy. The other guy held the short door allowing them both to enter.

"Akir," Ezra called out to him. Within a glance, Ezra pulled us both into a hug as Bellamy headed into the back.

"He's one-track mind when it comes to pictures. Just give him a couple of minutes he'll be human again." Ezra says with a grin as he hands the guy the camera bag.

"He was up all night going crazy about the pictures. I had to put salt in his tea for him to remember I was in the house." Ezra told us.

"I'll take them inside," Ezra told the guy at the counter who looked confused he eyed us suspiciously.

"Bell Akir is here!" Ezra shouted. Within a quick second Bellamy appeared at the door his smile as wide as a kid with his favorite blanket.

"Let them in," he says to the guy. Ronen reached for my bag as I took up my phone, and my laptop and followed Ezra into the office heading straight into the back.

"If Ice comes tell him I'll be a minute," Bellamy announced to both guys. A girl rushed into the office.

"Sorry Mr. Golding, my baby was vomiting." She shouted as she dashed behind the counter, dropping her bag under the counter.

"Alright," he waved her off.

"Good Morning Ezra," She smiled widely at Ezra who gave her a genuine smile. He nodded and motioned for us to follow in the direction Bellamy went.

We head down a small hallway, Ezra stops to set his stuff down on a chair before leading us down a huge conference which had numerous photos.

"Take a seat," he pointed to the seat as we watched Bellamy with his back to us as attended to the photos on a table.

"Babe the photos are amazing, take a deep breath." Ezra took his hand and pulled him into a hug. Bellamy snuggles into his embrace.

"It's his first time taking male-to-male photos. He's a little out of it." Ezra told us.

"I understand. I am sure they are amazing." I got up handing Ronen my laptop as I walked over to the table. My heart stopped when my eyes fell onto the glossy photo of Ronen and I standing in the sunset but the one that gripped me was the photo of Ronen and I in the back room filled with Ballons, the natural light from outside shoon in making the photo and us beautiful.

"They are gorgeous," I dare not touch it. Ronen joins us. "Can I get this one in wallet size?" I asked, Bellamy turned in Ezra's arm.

"It's my favorite too," he took the photo with his gloves hand and slid the photo into the frame. "If only I could hang it outside the office." He says dejected as he stares at his work. Ezra massages his arm understanding his pain.

"Jessica is going to go crazy when she sees this," I spoke out out loud.

"Just let me finish putting the frames on then I'll do a print for you," Bellamy says, Ezra checks his watch.

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