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WE ARRIVED at my apartment within an hour and a half. The car ride was filled with sideways looks at each and some late music playing on Zip 103 FM. It wasn't until we were safely inside my apartment with the door shut that I enter the washing room next to the kitchen to strip myself of my clothes. I had this phobia about outside clothes strutting about in the house. It gives me the creeps. I walk out of the washroom and straight into my room to find Torando pulling on a T-shirt from the pile of washed clothes I slip on the basket situated in the corner.

"Take a shower," I told him, not wanting him on my bed with all that body sweat and Alcohol drenched skin. He nodded taking his Irish Spring shower gel off the dresser and stepping back into the bathroom.

I waited until I hear the shower before sliding into my computer chair and turning on my computer. I got up and slip both our phones on their respective charger and heads back to my desk. When I felt the chair spin around abruptly and Torando leans forward and kisses me, without hesitation, I started to kiss him back and he pulled back from my mouth but not from my personal space.

"You didn't kiss Jevel like this," he spoke as I stare at his lip yearningly. "Why? Was it because I kissed you that night ?" he asked in a very simple tone staring into my eyes.

"I don't like Jevel," I answered honestly.

"Why? She's very desirable." he stares at me anxiously wanting an answer.

"Did I do this?" he raised a question, I pushed him slightly to get up but he shoved me back down roughly and I felt my lower body shift T's eyes followed mine and he did something I never expect him to do, he pulled my underwear by the waist to stare at my harden Penis then he grabs me by the neck, stares into my eyes before he steps back abruptly.

"Your fucking turn on man," he blurts out.

"You too," I told him as I stare at his lower half before staring back at his confused yet aroused face.

"I am no batty man," he snaps.

"I like having sex with girls," he said and I sighed. It was not the right time to let him know that he was bisexual. I have quizzed him so many times unknowingly to him, so I know he is. The look on his face right now tells me he's confused and bringing up that conversation about his sexuality will only push him away from me. I took a deep breath and turn myself away from him as I reach for my strawberry pink blanket and used it to cover my lower body. He spins my chair back around so I can face him.

"Did I do this to you?" he inquired in a very serious tone that cause me to stare deeply into his black deep eyes. They held confusion, fear, and arousal. I could mirror his exact emotions if he was staring at me like this when I was fifteen.

"No Torando," I answered resisting the urge to touch him. "I am gay," I told him honestly as I stare at him. He pulled back and stood up as he stare at me. I was about to say something but he walked away straight into the bathroom shutting the door. I release a gush of breath I didn't know I was holding as look at the shut door.

Within half an hour he vacate the bathroom and went straight into bed, crossing his hands behind his head as he stare at the ceiling. My phone vibrated and I decided to Ignore it and take a shower. Just as I step into the bathroom, I realized I forgot my undies and sleepwear. I walk back out to see T still staring at the ceiling. I swiftly reach for a underpants and took my sleepwear off the hook next to the closet.

"Did I do this?" he sat up on the bed staring at me intensely with his hands on the bed, still deep in his head.

"No, You didn't. " I lean on the doorpost holding the clothes. He let out a long sigh and then fall back onto the bed. I turn to enter the bathroom.

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