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            WHY does kissing Seth feel like I'm cheating on T? I wish I didn't feel like he's the one, I wish I didn't have to compromise myself within his needs than mine, and worst of all why does it feel like what we have isn't done? Will there be a happy ending.?.

I look over at T asleep in bed, sheet tangled around his waist and right leg as he sleeps with his mouth ajar as he lay topless. A little after midnight he appear at my apartment letting himself in, calling me stupid but T was predictable and whenever he gets drunk he always finds himself in my arms. Knowing this I ended the kiss between Seth and me abruptly telling him we'll talk tomorrow.

"Seriously?" I hear him following me out of his room.

"I'm tired," I told him half honestly as I head straight to the washroom and strip my clothes off and toss them into the laundry basin. I turn to see him staring at my naked upper body. Lust stood vigorously in his eyes as he stare at me.

"Go take a Shower," I step past him causing him to grab my arm and push me into the doorpost. "Join me," he runs his finger from my stomach to my abs. I shoved his hand away, not in the mood to add anything to my plate of mess up-ness.

"No," I lean off the doorpost and step into his personal space. He snakes his hand around my waist and presses me into his wide body and bites my jaw seductively. I turn my face to stare into his eyes. "I know I might not be as aggressive as him but I'll give you a good ride." He licks my ears, and I cringe.

"In your dream," I shoved myself out of his grip and walk to my room, shutting the door with the lock. Taking a deep breath, I ignore the incoming call from Ronen and went to shower.

There was nothing to kissing Seth.

Just an urge to suppress the chaos of feelings that T has caused surging through me. I was pissed and stressed. Never thought I'll let another man let me grovel for his attention. I lean my head against the tile wall as I let the cool water run down from my head to my feet. After a shower, I neglect drawing and went out to the living sofa, getting a glass and a bottle of Advil. I set it in the center and sat down staring at the door.

The sound of a key turning in the door woke me up. Rubbing the drowsiness from my eyes I head to the door. T staggered into the apartment, the stench of Rum and marijuana making me wanna vomit. Before I could close the door, he leaps and hugs me.

"I am sorry babe," he reaches out to kiss me but I cover his mouth and he bites me. I cry out, flashing my hand."You motherfucker," I glare at him, shoved him off, and shut the door.

"You love this motherfucker," he cups my ass and pushes me down on the sofa as he straddles me. "T you drunk," I got up but he shove me back down on the sofa, he push up my T-shirt and bite my stomach. I hit him as hard as I could, I almost forgot how aggressive he gets when he's drunk.

"God I miss you," he bellows as he inhales my scent as he cup my waist, he bites again and I groaned in pain as his hand reaches up and pinch my nipples. I groan as a pleasure spam my entire body.

"T, " I tried to push him off but he grab my throat and held my hand above my head, and stare into my eyes. He slowly releases my hand and cups my cheeks before he kisses him the taste of weed and liquor on his tongue. He licks my lips before pulling away as he started to kiss along my jaw outline swiftly until he reaches my neck, he grabs sucks onto my neck hard.

"Fuck T that hurt." I groaned as he lifted my chin as he continue to suck on the same area. He release my neck and lick the same area as my lower half shivering with need as I lifted his face and started to kiss him with all the pent-up desire and frustration that he has caused.

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