Fifteen |2|

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     I HANG UP THE PHONE and walk out into the living room to see Etham covering his face and Gabriel looking flushed as he steadies his composure on the sofa. I shake my head and walk around not saying a word as I join Seth on the verandah holding a Nissan cup soup in his hand the fork midway to his mouthtled up the door not closing it.

I sat down on the plastic chair and watched Seth staring at Venzi who was preoccupied talking to a thick girl in box braids wearing a batty ride that was so far up in her crotch that it got me wondering if it doesn't hurt when she walks.

"You ok?" I asked looking at Seth and staring at Venzi intensely. It was obvious that Venzi talking to the girl was making him feel a way. "Couldn't he just say hi and walk away?" He drops himself on the next chair beside him.

Seth and I haven't spoken heart-to-heart since we kissed that time because as I told him there was nothing to it. I adore how we slide into a friendship not letting his feelings toss us around. He was a cool guy and I didn't mind him living with me. I have noticed that he and Venzi have gotten super close they go everywhere together and I didn't question it. I respect that they will tell me when they're ready even though I know what's transpiring between them.

" I don't know," I answered as I looked out at Venzi all smile talking to the girl.

"Fuck it's hard dating a bi," he groans setting the cup to the ground.

 I guess it's just a struggle we gays go through.

"You so lucky Ronen is pure G," He says, I look over at him.

"I had my dose remember," I say as Torando flies into my mind. I wonder how he's taking the breakup note. I haven't turned on the WiFi on my phone but I know a dozen texts will be on my WhatsApp when I do. According to Jessica, his status is raging, Also Tamara has started ringing off my cellphone again so I blocked her calls.

"Torando is just pure asshole. I don't think he'll ever change." He's says still looking out at Venzi who is now laughing.

"He isn't all bad," I say as the door opens and Gabriel steps out sipping an orange liquid from a clear cup. "I'll be careful when I get back Tornado seems like the type to hold a grudge," Seth says in a warning nonchalant tone. I look to the ground willing my mind not to go there.

"What are we doing?" He asked.

"Ask Seth?" I grin.

"Is Etham bi?" Seth asked looking at him.

"He has dated girls but that was before I met him. Now he's all mine he'll never find a girl to please him like I do. I made sure of it." Gabriel beams proudly.

"Can you help me?" Seth looks towards Venzi. Gabriel chuckles sipping his drink.

"Trust me I only did what this one taught me. " He looks down at me.

"He looks reserved and can't mash Ant but he's a pro," Gabriel says. 

"This Guy?" Seth asked with a shocked expression. I lean back into the chair looking out at Venzi.

"If I had just met him, I'd think he's a top," Gabriel says leaning on the doorpost.

"He has a controlling aura that's very sexy. Only those who are lucky to get past his reserved mask get to see it." Gabriel says with a smile.

"I don't believe you," Seth looks at me.

"Well ask Ronen he knows what I'm talking about." He chuckled as the familiar white Honda turned into the Yard.

"Want a sneak peek?" Gabriel teases. I shook my head. "You have to watch closely though, he's a master at this stuff." He said sipping his juice.

I got up and opened the gate to allow Jessica to walk in with two grocery bags just as Etham appeared at the door and helped her. I watch as the girl and Venzi stroll over to Ronen as he shuts the car door.

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