Chapter 3

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Graf froze for a moment when he heard what his lover had said.

“You're such an asshole, Joe. How can you say that? Don't you have any shame?" Graf scolded back with embarrassment written all over his face.

“Even if I'm shy, I can still make you embarrassed,” Joe mocked before getting kicked by Graf on the crook, Joe nearly collapsed with pain but still kept laughing.

"Wow, this hurts, alright," Joe moaned, but his lips lifted into a smile. As I said, Joe loves teasing and teasing his partner the most.

“Hurry up and finish washing. You are so good with your mouth, now show me what your hands can do," Graf said before the two of them finished washing the dishes. Then he took Joe to sit and watch TV for some time.

“Eat and then go to sleep, you'll get acid reflux," Graf said after he sat down on the sofa and Joe lay down with his head resting on Graf's lap for support.

“It's okay. When did I immediately fall asleep? I've been washing dishes for a long time," Joe said, looking back at the TV as well. Graf didn't say anything. They watched TV silently for some time


“Oh! why did you slap me?” Joe exclaimed when Graf slapped Joe's forehead lightly. But it made Joe feel a little itchy. Graf pushed Joe's head trying to move him down from his lap. But Joe put on his weight and refused to get up.

"Sass, can't you just keep your head down on the sofa?" Graf said coming out because while enjoying a movie, Joe's hand slipped into Graf's sports pants leg slowly. But Graf was conscious anyway.

"Huh, let me lie on your lap just a little bit. Why are you like this?" Joe laughed in his throat.

“Joe, if you play again, You don't have to sleep in my lap," Graf gave an ultimatum. Because he felt goosebumps when his lover slipped his hand inside his pants to feel his leg. Joe smiled cheekily.

"What the fuck, I didn't do anything much,” Joe grumbled at the end before being slapped on the forehead again by Graf. But the person who was slapped giggled. He didn't feel any trembling or soreness over time. Graf then invited Joe to go to bed because he had to go to university early the next day. Joe is the one who checked the door to make sure it is locked. As for Graf, he went to sleep first.

When Joe walked into the bedroom he saw Graf sitting, leaning against the head of the bed. One leg was folded in an arch while the other was spread straight on the bed. He was busy reading a book, probably one of his study materials. Joe looked at his lover who was slightly smaller than him, surveying him from head to toe. Graf is not a sweet or fragile guy like Beam. If you talk about his appearance, he kind of gave the feel of Korean trend because of his Korean- Chinese descent. Initially, Graf had a milky white and fair skin but due to spending maximum time playing outdoor sports, his skin looks a little tanned now, with quite a muscular body like a normal athlete. Graf is a very charming person but is quite ignorant in this matter. Joe looked down at the hem of his athletic shorts, which were fairly wide causing Joe to swallow his saliva with much difficulty. He and Graf had never done anything deeper, just kisses and hugs.

“What are you looking at?” Graf's deep voice interrupted his thoughts on exploring his lover's body causing Joe to startle a bit before smiling along with looking at Graph with dazzling eyes.

“Oh, standing here, the view is damn good,” said Joe, looking at Graf's shorts. Graf bent down to follow the eyes of his lover before turning hot and immediately straightening his legs down.

"Whoa, what! Don't just put it down," Joe growled in a teasing tone.


A large pillow came flying just in time to hit Joe's face. But Joe burst out laughing making Graph Red feel more embarrassed than before.

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