Pakin & Prapai Ch-2

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"Uh, thank you," Phra Phai replied before hurrying back to his group immediately. He smiled a little. At least he had seen the faculty that person was studying. When walking to his own faculty, Phra Pai then gathered with other new students. On the first day, some new friends came to greet him. So he talked back in a normal manner. He still doesn't dare to be close to anyone.

"What is your name? " said a young man's voice because he was sitting next to Phra Phai while waiting for orientation as well.

"Phra Phai, " Phra Phai replied with a smile.

"I'm Graf," replied Graf, because he felt a bit destined with Phra Phai.

"My name is Son," said another young man sitting in front of Phra Phai. Phra Pai nodded with a smile.

"Phra Phai's house is in Bangkok, right?" Graf asked. Phra Phai shook his head because there were many, who asked him this question earlier.

"I'm from the province. not from Bangkok," Phra Phai replied directly.

"But you look like you're from Bangkok," Graf said with a smile. Maybe because of Phra Phai's appearance that looks like a young lady thus making others assume that way. But even though Phra Phai came from another province, Graf thought that the boy must have a good status.

"Ah, it has begun," said Phra Phai when he saw the seniors walking into the faculty meeting room.

. . . . . . . .

"Phra Phai, where are you going in such a hurry?" Graf greeted when he saw Phra Phai walking towards the front of the university.

"I have some business to do, see you later," replied Phra Phai before rushing to the bus stop. The young man got into the bus going towards his dormitory. The young man got off the bus before it reached his dormitory and walked straight into the Seven-Eleven

"Welcome to 7-Eleven," the staff member greeted. Phra Phai immediately walked towards him.

"Well... I would like to apply for a part-time job," Phra Phai said because he had aimed to find work at this place before.

"Oh, I'll ask the manager first," replied one of the employees before disappearing into the back room and walking back out in no time to call Phra Phai to discuss details with the manager inside.

"Finally got a part-time job, that's good, " Phra Phai said to himself, smiling. After the manager accepted him and discussed the details and told him to come to work tomorrow evening after class. Phra Phai walked into a nearby evening market to buy something to eat in his room. While buying food that he wanted Phra Phai took the opportunity to explore the place before stopping when he saw someone familiar standing to buy oranges at the fruit shop.

"Do you have a change of 2 baht, young man?" the salesman asked the tall young man and the other party started looking for change money in his pants pocket and purse but he didn't seem to have any.

"Here," Phra Phai immediately handed the 2 baht coin he had in his hand to the merchant causing the tall young man to turn and look at him in surprise. Phra Phai did not wait for the young man to say thank you or ask anything. He hurriedly walked out of the flea market immediately.

"Hey" a voice called to stop Phra Phai, but it was too late because Phra Phai had already left the market. The need to wait for change and a lot of people caused the tall figure to not be able to squeeze in with others to catch up to him.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

The monk half ran, half walked along the road leading to his dormitory.

"Huh!" Phra Phai panted heavily before turning to look behind. When he didn't find anyone following him, he was relieved. He felt his heart would jump out of his chest.

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