Chapter 11

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"Don't you think our love is a little sluggish?" Joe suddenly asked after coming back from playing sports and taking a shower and changing clothes. Now they were sitting together eating the food that they bought from the food stall before returning to their condo. Graph froze a bit while raising his head to look at Joe.

“How is it inactive?" Graf asked back, looking at his lover's face attentively.

“It's like, it doesn't seem like anything exciting. It looks so quiet, I don't know," Joe said. Graf immediately put down the spoon while leaning on the chair, and looked at Joe's face.

“What do you want, Joe? Our love is calm and going smoothly. It's good to go on and on like this. Or do you want me to have a gig? Or will you have someone new? Life will be as exciting as you want it to be. But if you're still not excited enough you can go to find werewolves or a vampire as your lover. I guarantee that you will have exciting things like being in a fantasy novel every day for sure,” Graf said in an irritated voice.

“I don't mean to let us go with someone else, but it's too plain. It's like we're not lovers. More like friends. Do you understand what I'm saying, Graf?" Joe tried to explain as Graf became annoyed. Joe didn't want to have someone else. He just wanted Graph to show him love the way he wanted to show love to him. And although they have talked about this many times Joe couldn't help but think again.

“l am fine like this. If you are not satisfied then You can go find a new lover, Joe," Graf said angrily before getting up from the dining table and immediately going into the bedroom. Joe's face tensed up. He had no intention of arguing with Graf at all. He persevered not to argue about taking off his shirt on the soccer field. But he couldn't help but talk about his feelings. Joe followed Graf into the bedroom and found Graf leaning against the head of the bed hugging a big pillow. Graf glanced at Joe a little. His face was equally stressed out. Joe sighed lightly before sitting on the edge of the bed.

“Why is it so easy for you to be cruel to let me go out with someone else?” Joe asked in a weak voice.

"You want to have a girlfriend who can find excitement for you all the time, don't you?" Graf said back with an angry voice as usual.

“I don't want to have someone new. I only have you, Graf,” Joe said in a serious tone. Before slowly moving towards his lover little by little while observing the behaviour of Graph as well. When he saw that Graph did not move away from him, it made Joe feel a little relieved. But Graf was still sitting with a sullen face. Joe sat cross-legged on the bed next to his lover.

“I know we've talked about this many times. But I can't help but think about it. I want to show my feelings to you when I'm out and about. I want to treat you like a boyfriend and not just as a normal friend. But you don't like it because you don't want people to look at us strangely,” Joe said awkwardly. Graf pursed his lips slightly.

“So sometimes I can't help but think that you don't want to be with me as much as I do. It's like I'm forcing you to date me," Joe said again. Graf immediately turned to look at Joe.

“What the hell are you thinking of me? Do you think that I can't think for myself who I want to be with? Do I need someone to force me? When my father forced me not to be with you I didn't even listen to him. Doesn't this just make you more confident about how serious I am about you?” Graf yelled at Joe again. Joe hurriedly grabbed his lover's hand and squeezed it.

“I'm sorry, I was overthinking it," Joe hurriedly said because Graf was breathing heavily with anger. He didn't want his lover to be anymore angrier.

“Consider it a tie. Just now, you're still chasing me to find someone else," Joe said jokingly. But Graf turned to look at him with green eyes. Joe smiled a little.

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