Pakin & Prapai Ch-5

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"Brother, wait a minute," Graf's voice called out. When he ran after Pakhin and Phra Phai out of the shop. Phakin turned to look at Graph.

"What is it?" Pakhin asked back while Phra Phai was standing confused.

"Where are you taking Phra Phai?" Graf asked worriedly because he was not very close to Pakhin either So he was not quite sure to let his friend go with him.

"I'll take him there. You have to ride on Joe's bike, right? Triple stacking wouldn't be that good. Besides, we're going in the same direction anyway," Pakin said in a normal tone. Joe followed Graph out as well.

"What's going on?" Joe asked as soon as he reached to stand beside Graf.

"Joe take your friend back to his room. I'll send Phra Phai home myself," Pakin said before pulling Phai to his own car.

"Oh... Wait," Phra Phai, who had just come to his senses tried to hold his arm and not walk as Pakin pulled him causing him to turn to look at his face a little.

"What?" Pakin asked back.

"Yes, I.." Phra Phai was about to speak.

"You wanted to go back to your room, didn't you?" Pakhin asked first.

"Yes... but... I can go back by myself. I don't want to bother you Phi," Phra Phai said in a soft voice. His arm that Pakhin held turned hot, and his heart was beating rapidly when being touched by the other party.

"But are you going to annoy your friends instead?" Pakhin asked again. The monk shook his head back and forth.

"I didn't think I'll go back with Graf. I will catch a local transport back myself," said Phra Phai.

"Here it is. You can go back on this transport. Get inside. I'll send you home. After all, we have to go back the same way," Pakhin said as he opened the door of his car. Phra Phai looked at Pakhin in surprise because the young man was behaving unusually.

"is Phi Pakhin drunk?" Phra Phai asked tensely.

"And what do you think?" Pakhin asked back, causing Phra Phai to remain silent. Because he couldn't understand if Pakhin was drunk or not

"Get in the car, I want to go back home to sleep too," said Pakin making Phra Phai agree because he saw that the other party was kind so he didn't want to waste his time. In addition, when he had the opportunity to get closer to him a little more Phra Phai wanted to grab it as well.

"Yes," Phra Phai replied in a low voice causing Pakhin to lift a smile for a moment before walking around to the driver's side. As for Phra Phai, he sat next to the driver and closed the door of the car.

"Fasten your seat belt," Pakin said in a calm voice. Phra Phai quickly followed before Pakhin drove away. Phra Phai sat tense in the car. He didn't dare to turn around to look at Pakhin's face and only caught a few glimpses. The atmosphere in the car was completely silent. The young man sat with his hands clasped together in his lap. His heart was beating rapidly. P

(I must have used all my luck to be able to ride Pakhin's car as well) Phra Phai secretly thought in his heart. Because he never dreamed before that he would be able to sit in a car with Pakhin like... Ji

Thinking of the young woman who often rides in this car caused his excitement to diminish slightly. His face turned slightly dull with a slow exhalation of breath.

"Do you want to throw up?" asked the voice of Pakhin causing Phra Phai to startle a little along with a frightened look on his face.

"Oh...No no," Phra Phai hurriedly denied.

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