Pakin & Prapai Ch-9

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Thank you so much everyone for voting. 😁😁 As promised here is the next chapter on Pakhin & Phai. I hope to see as many votes on this chapter too as the previous one.
( minimum 80) ❤️❤️❤️❤️

"And another thing. Joe didn't come to me to snitch on you. I asked him what happened but he didn't tell me anything, so you don't have to blame him," Pakhin said again when he saw that Koh was silent.

"If he didn't come to tell you then how did Phi know about it?" Koh asked in a slightly turbulent voice.

"I already knew it. I called but didn't think to punish you. It is just to warn you. I know you would like to tease your junior because it is like a tradition that has been around for a long time But don't overdo it. And don't bring personal matters into it," Pakhin said in a calm voice, looking straight at Koh. Koh immediately avoided Pakhin's eyes.

"What they do in other faculties, I don't know, but in our faculty, I don't want trouble," Pakhin said again which seems to be a request. But if you catch the voice and the eyes, you will know that this is a command. And No one! Absolutely no one is allowed to disobey the order.

"Hey! Did you guys understand what Pakhin said?" Brown asked in a deep voice.

"Understood," Everyone responded quickly.

"Then let's disperse," Pakhin dismissed the juniors and Koh's group left immediately.

"Do you think Coco will stop?" Brown asked. Pakhin had his doubts as well.

"Let's wait and see," Pakhin replied shortly before getting up to see the younger generation who were called together again.

(After school)

Phra Phai went to Pakhin's condo. The young man stood motionless in front of the entrance with his heart beating fast before taking a deep breath and walking inside. The monk took the elevator to Pakhin's room. The number attached to the door that was clearly visible was a confirmation sign that he has reached his destination. Phra Phai took a deep breath again gathering his confidence to step inside Pakhin's room.

//"Phi Pakin hired you to work, Phra Phai... concentrate on it,"// Phai slapped his face in order to bring himself to his senses before inserting the key card into the slot to open the door. His heart did  Salsa inside his chest. The aura in Pakin's room made him feel like Pakhin was also present there. The young man closed the door behind him and placed his bag on the sofa. Then he thought to hurry and clean up the room so that he can hurry back to his dorm.

"What should I start with, first?" said the monk to himself alone while standing and looking left and right in confusion before deciding that he would start dusting the room first. Pakhin's room was not cluttered at all. There was nothing that needs to be stored by Phra Phai. But when looking for a duster or a broom, he did not find anything.

"No duster, broom, or mop," muttered Phra Phai before picking up his phone. But he hesitated whether he should call Phi Pakhin or not for fear of disturbing him. But if he doesn't call, he won't be able to do anything.

📞 ("What's up Phra Phai?" Pakhin's deep voice answered the phone making Phra Phai's heart dance to its beats again.

📞"Well... did I disturb you?" Phra Phai quickly asked.

📞("Is there anything?") Pakhin asked back. At first Phra Phai heard a raucous noise. But the sound gradually faded away as Pakhin walked away from the noisy group.

📞"I couldn't find a duster or a broom, not even a mop. Where do you keep it?" Phra Phai asked back.

📞("Sorry, I don't have one. I forgot it," ) Pakhin's voice replied causing Phra Phai to be stunned.

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