Pakin & Prapai Ch-7

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After taking a bath, the monk walked and collapsed on his bed exhausted. Phra Phai was about to fall asleep but was startled when his phone rang. Phra Phai reached out and picked it up to look at it and immediately jumped to sit up on the bed seeing the name flash on the screen


📞"Hello," Phra Phai hurriedly pressed to answer the call. In his heart, he was dancing crazily. The feeling of exhaustion he had at first miraculously evaporated into the air.

📞("Are you asleep?") A deep voice escaped through the phone causing Phra Phai to melt into a puddle. He never imagined that he would be able to talk to Pakhin over the phone like this.

📞"Oh! No, Phi. What's the matter?" Phra Phai quickly replied.

📞("My shirt") Pakhin replied in short making Phra Phai remember the matter. He immediately turned to look at the shirt hanging in front of his closet before his heart turned a little depressed that Pakhin had called him about the shirt.

📞"Oh! Yes. Where do you want me to bring it to you? I didn't go to work today," the monk said in a low voice.

📞("Can you bring it to me at my condo? Well, I've parked my car and came to my room. I don't want to drive anymore. Or do you want me to walk and fetch it at your dormitory?" Pakhin spoke at length. Phra Phai shook his head, forgetting that the other party cannot see him.

📞"Nevermind Phi, I can bring it to you myself. Where will we meet again?" He asked again for he was the one who soiled his shirt in the first place. Therefore, he did not want Pakhin to have to come and take the shirt back himself.

📞("Come to my condo. Come inside and tell the person at the counter that you came to see Pakhin in room 1005, and he will let you in. I will inform him in advance," ) Pakhin said back.

📞"Yes, I'll leave now," said the monk before the two of them fell silent but not hanging up the phone.

📞("Hang up the call,") the deep manly voice of Pakhin escaped causing Phra Phai's face to feel hot for no apparent reason.

📞"Im waiting for Phi to put it down first," Phra Phai said back with a little shy laugh.

📞("Ok, I'll see you soon,") Pakin concluded before hanging up the call. Phra Phai hurriedly got up and picked up the shirt. He decided to sit and iron it again and folded it beautifully because he wanted the Pakhin to be impressed with his attentiveness and neatness. Phra Phai placed the shirt in a transparent bag and slowly carried it out of his dormitory to walk to Pakin's condo. The sky was now getting darker. The lights of Bangkok were starting to light up to replace the daylight. Phai felt that he was exhausted but would like to walk and return the shirt to Pakhin by himself. Phai walked to the front of the condo but hesitated a bit. He dare not enter So he just stood outside feeling awkward right in front of the entrance.

"Phra Phai," a voice called from behind. Phra Phai was startled slightly. When he turned to look, he saw that it was his friend.

"Graf and Joe. Where did you go?" The monk asked.

"We went to buy something at Lotus. So what is Phra Phai doing here? Who are you looking for?" Graf asked back. Phra Phai nodded in acceptance.

"Well... I brought the shirt back to P' Pakin. He called me to come to his condo. But I dare not go in," the monk said in a soft voice before being startled again by the sound of the ringtone of his phone

📞"Yes," Phra Phai answered the call immediately.

📞("Have you reached yet?") Pakin asked back.

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