Chapter 20

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Graf lay restlessly on the wide bed while looking at the clock on the wall of his bedroom worried about whether Joe was too drunk right then or not. He wanted to call his lover but he also didn't want to be too fussy with Joe. He wanted Joe to feel free. Because Graf believes that Joe must have a little freedom in his social life. As they study in different faculties so they are bound to have different friends as well. They can't stick together all the time and Graf is quite understanding in this matter.

🚪 Buzz

The doorbell sounded causing Graf to bounce off the bed and run out of the bedroom. He went straight to the door and looked through the peephole. He saw Joe standing so he immediately opened the door for his lover.

“Graf-Joe is back,” Joe said in a chin-shaking voice. Joe's heavy drunken state caused Graph to sway back and forth as he hurried to support Joe to walk towards his room

“Why are you so drunk, Joe? I told you not to drink too much," Graf complained in a slightly annoyed voice.

"Don't complain, I'm dizzy," said Joe again. Graf took Joe into the bedroom. Joe sprawled out on a wide bed.

"Where did go to get so drunk? Damnit!Who came to send you?" Graf picked up a towel and continued to complain to Joe.

"P' Om Am came to send... you motherfucker. So Cruel... you don't worry about me at all," Joe muttered, Graf sighed lightly. He took a towel and soaked it in water. Then came back out to wipe his lover's body. At first, Graf thought to take Joe for a shower. But looking at Joe's condition, he decided against it.

"Don't say that. You have to worry about yourself first... Stay still, l'll wipe you off," grumbled Graf as he grabbed Joe, who was about to turn over, to make him lie still and then gently wiped Joe's face. Joe kept mumbling coherent words.

"Do you love me, Graf? Do you love me?" Joe's voice continued to mutter.

“If I don't love me, will I sit and do something like this for you?" Graf answered the drunk man in a calm voice before Joe fell silent. There was only a slight snoring sound. Graf had to wipe Joe and change clothes for his lover. He arranged to put Joe's dirty clothes into a laundry bag. Then he came back up on the wide bed beside his lover.

“Sigh, you have morning classes too. How are you going to study?" Graf grumbled indifferently when he saw that it was almost 2 a.m., Graf lay down to sleep more comfortably because his lover has returned to sleep next to him even though he returned in a drunken state.


"Joe, wake up, you'll be late for school," grumbled Graf and nudged his lover who was sleeping soundly on the bed. After Graf woke up, he took a shower and got dressed. The only thing left to do was to wake up his lover who was still lying on the bed.


Graf swooped under Joe's pull until he fell and lay on his strong chest with Joe's arms tightly hugging him.

"Graf, I have a headache. Let's go to sleep and give me a hug," Joe's voice rang out before...


Graf's palm hit Joe's head, not too hard, but it made a sound.

“Oi, why did you slap me?" Joe grumbled, before sitting up in a drowsy state. Graf hurried to get up and arranged his college shirt immediately.

"You're already an idiot... Look, my shirt is all wrinkled," said Graf.

“Don't complain too much, Graph. My head hurts," said Joe.

“And last night, who sent you back to the room late at night? I haven't asked you yet. Why did you get so drunk?" Graf asked in a deep voice.

"I told you that I went to drink with my Code brothers. I invited you but you won't come with me," said Joe.

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