Pakin & Prapai Ch-26

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"Phai and Pakhin, let's eat together," Phra Phai's mother invited them with a smile. Phra Phai and Pakhin then sat down to eat together with Phai's mother sitting and chatting nearby. After finished eating, Pakin helped Phra Phai wash the dishes as before.

“If you aren't going to go home yet, would you like to lie down for a while, Pakhin? You must be very tired from driving such a long distance,” Phra Phai's mother kindly asked.

"Then I'm sorry to bother you," Pakin said humbly.

“Phai, go get a quilt and prepare a place to rest for him on the wooden cot. Bring pillows and blankets too,” the monk's mother told her son. In Phra Phai's house, they had a large long wooden cot where anyone can sleep comfortably.

"Yes," Phra Phai replied before disappearing into his mother's room to pick up the mattress from the closet. Only Pakhin and Phra Phai's mother were left sitting in the living room.

“Aunt, before I go to sleep, I have something to discuss with you," Pakin said in a serious tone.

“Ah, yes,” the monk's mother replied.

“But I also want to speak in front of Grandpa. Will it be convenient for Grandpa to speak with me?" Pakin asked first because he saw that it was a little late then as the sky was getting darker little by little.

“About what? Can you tell me first?" Phra Phai's mother asked curiously in order to decide whether it is something that should be discussed with her father right away.

"It's about me and Phra Phai," Pakin replied causing her to be a little still. Coinciding with Phra Phai walking out of the room carrying the mattress. The boy's mother immediately turned to look at her son. Phra Pai looked at his mother puzzled too.

"What's the matter?” the monk asked suspiciously.

“Are you sure?” Phra Phai's mother asked again which if she is not reading between the lines too much, she could guess what it was about.

“Yes, that's why I brought Phra Phai back home,” Pakin said causing Phai to immediately look at his lover's face. Although he wasn't sure what his mother and his lover were talking about but Phra Phai's heart was beating uncontrollably.

“Then let's wait a moment. I'd like to go and see my father first," Phra Phai's mother said before getting up and walking out of the house. Phra Phai took the mattress and placed it next to Pakhin.

"Phi Kin, please tell me what's going on," Phra Phai asked out of curiosity. Pakin smiled faintly holding the hand of Phra Phai and giving it a light squeeze.

“I will tell your Grandpa and your mother about our relationship and seek their blessings as well," Pakin said in a serious tone causing Phra Phai to almost stop breathing with excitement. His feelings overwhelmed his senses until he couldn't think of what to say as his eyes looked at Pakhin with both fear and excitement of the unknown at the same time.

“As for our Mother, Phai believes she can handle it, but for our Grandpa, Phai is not sure at all,” Phra Phai said what he was worried about. Because he and his mother talk and share everything with each other all the time, but Phra Phai's grandpa might not understand about men liking men at all. Cause in the eyes of his grandfather, Phra Phai is just a simple naughty kid.

“Grandpa loves Phai very much. So he would try to understand Phai as well, ”Pakin encouraged both himself and his lover.

“Are you confident?” Phra Phai asked again. Pakin laughed a little.

“Why do you ask the same question as our mother, hmm?” Pakin asked with a smile.

"Phai wants to know. That's why it's good. Phi Pakhin is sure about Phai, right?" Phra Phai said again.

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