Pakin & Prapai Ch-15

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“Hungry? Do you want Auntie to do something for you to eat?” Aunt Salee asked worriedly because, in the evening, Pakin ate very less.

“nevermind I'll go find something to eat at the market. Aunt Salee, please lie down and rest," Pakin said before walking to the car without saying anything further. Another housekeeper went to open the gate of the house for him. Pakin then opened the car window and told the other party to go to sleep because he might come back late so he can open and close the gate himself. Pakin continued to drive and soon reached the night market with lots of food stalls opened. When finding a parking space The young man walked straight to a shop.

“Uncle Suk, 2 crispy potatoes, table 3. ” Phra Phai's voice sounded as he placed the items ordered by the customers. Then went to go and scoop ice into a glass. Pluen was helping his father scoop up rice.

"Please come inside, young man. Came to find something to eat? Sit down first," Uncle Suk’s voice greeted the customer. Phra Phai heard everything but did not turn to look because he was filling water in a glass to serve a customer.

"Phi Phai" Pluen's voice called excitedly.

“Give me a moment Pluen,” Phra Phai replied with ignorance.

“Can I help you with something?” said a voice behind him causing Phra Phai to pause a bit and immediately turn to look.


The aluminium glass slipped from his hand and fell to the floor in shock.

"Phai, be careful," Uncle Suk's voice sounded.

"I'm sorry, " Phra Phai said back and bend over to pick up the glass But Pakhin picked it up first.

“Did I startle you?” he asked.

"A little bit, uh, a little bit, Brother Pakhin,” Phra Phai said in a stuttering voice.

“Which table?” Pakhin asked and Phra Phai made a confused face.

“Which table are these glasses for?” Pakin asked, looking at the glasses filled with water and the soft drink bottles, Phra Phai had prepared for the customers.

"Table 3," Phra Phai said, looking at the three teenagers sitting at table no.3.

“I'll take it for you. Let's attend to other customers," Pakin said when another customer walked into the shop and sat down. Pakhin did not wait for Phra Phai to respond. He immediately took the tray of glasses and drinks to table no. 3 while Phra Phai went to take orders from new customers and went to tell Uncle Suk. When he walked to scoop ice for the new customers, he saw Pakin has already snatched his duty.

“What are you doing here?” Phra Phai immediately asked when he got some free time. Pakhin sat down in a chair and nodded to Phra Phai to sit and rest as well.

“came to find something to eat,” Pakin replied shortly.

“And then in the evening didn't you eat?" the monk asked back out of curiosity. Because Pakin said that he would eat dinner at his house.

“ate a little. And then I got hungry again. So I came to go find something to eat," Pakin replied in a normal manner.

"Um, do you want to eat here? I'll go and tell Uncle Suk for you," Phra Phai hurriedly proposed. Pluen secretly turned to look at his older brother, smiling.

“Um, you can bring something for me. I'll leave it to you to bring anything of your choice," Pakin asked Phra Phai to choose for him. Phra Phai then went to place the order for food to his uncle. Not long after, he walked and carried the plate with food to serve Pakhin.

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