Pakin & Prapai Ch-20

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“I can't believe you and Nong. Have you been looking at each other for 5 years?” Brown asked in surprise when Pakhin told him about his past story with Phai.

"Um," Pakin answered in his throat.

"It was always one-sided for this long even if you secretly stopped by to look at women at the side of the road sometimes,” Brown teased because Pakhin used to date some women. But not really in a serious relationship. Most of the women got frustrated and fled when Pakin didn't pay any attention to them because they knew that they could not bind his heart. But there were still many who want to try to win Pakhin's heart but must have gotten disappointed later. Of course, they wouldn't have wasted their time if they knew that Pakhin had a real person of interest like Phra Phai.

“That was before I dated Nong,” Pakin said again. Brown smiled wryly.

“Are you going to sleep here or not?” he asked because his friend still had the symptoms of dizziness.

“Let me rest for 2-3 hours. Then I will wake up and go back. You don't have to worry. I'll just lie down here," said Brown.

“Of course, because in the room I am sleeping with Phra Phai,” Pakin said in a calm voice. But his lips twitched into a slight smile.

“Oh, don't go out and get horny, until the chicken wakes up," Brown continued to tease his friend. Pakin laughed softly in his throat before walking into his room to pick up a pillow and blanket and came out to deliver to his friend on the sofa.

“If you go back before I wake up, Well, lock the door for me," Pakin said.

“Um, sorry for bothering you in the middle of the night,” Brown said, feeling really guilty.

"It's okay," Pakin said back, before walking separately into the bedroom again. Brown fell asleep on the sofa. Pakin walked to the wardrobe to manage something and then came up and lie down on the bed. He move to sleep comfortably and then pulled Phra Phai to hug him again.

In the Morning

The monk wakes up while Pakhin was still asleep. As soon as he opened his eyes, he realized that Pakhin was lying next to him. It made his heart work so hard in the morning. Phra Phai lay still for a while, looking at Pakhin's face out of drowsiness to absorb the reality of the situation he was in. It took some time for him to know that this wasn't a dream before Phra Phai carefully rose from the bed. He walked to the balcony door while moving the curtain aside to see the sky outside. He saw that the sky had just started to brighten up a bit. Phra Phai smiled to himself. He opened the curtains to let some light into the room. Then he turned to look at the wide bed again before freezing when he saw Pakhin lying on the bed naked on top. Pakhin shifted a little to his side making the blanket fall to his waist until Phai could see the back full of muscles of a regular athlete. Phai stood there with a red face before hurrying to the bathroom to wash his face. When he came out again, he saw Pakhin had not woken up yet. At first, Phra Phai thought that he would wake Pakhin up to say that he would return to his dorm, but then he changed his mind. Phra Phai thought to make breakfast for him first and then go back to his dorm.

While thinking about what to prepare, Phra Phai walked out of the bedroom and immediately went to the kitchen. The apron was worn deftly with a rubber band tied around the collar again because it had disappeared while he was asleep. Phra Phai looked for fresh vegetables in the refrigerator and then decided to make rice porridge with minced pork for his lover.

... Lover...

The monk smiled a little that he would be able to cook for Pakhin as his lover for the first time. Phra Phai could not stop himself from smiling at all. He prepared the ingredients and brought the rice to boil while smiling to himself thinking about last night.

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