Pakin & Prapai Ch-23

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📞“Yes,” Phra Phai replied in a soft voice.

📞 ( “However, when I'm free tomorrow, I'll call you. You also have to answer my call,”) Pakin ordered. After receiving the satisfying answer from his lover, Pakhin then hung up the phone so Phra Phai could rest. Phra Phai wanted to call his mother to ask for advice on the matter of Pakin But he had to stop himself due to the request made by Pakhin that he would go and tell his mother himself.


Today, Phra Phai and his friends, Graf, Son, and Art, gathered at Graf's condo to work on a report they received from their teacher. They joined forces to diligently search for relevant information and assist one another.

"What should we have for lunch today?" Graf asked when he noticed the time. It was almost Noon.

"Anything will do, we can eat whatever we find," Phra Phai responded. The others agreed with a nod.

Graf suggested, "Why don't we prepare something to eat? There is fresh food in the fridge."

"Can you cook rice?"  Son asked Graf, surprised.

"Yes, you can come and help me," Graf replied with a smile.

"It would be better for me and the monk to go down to Seven-Eleven. What drinks would you like? I can buy them for you," Art then proposed,

"Bring some soft drinks and snacks," Graf responded. Art and Phra Phai proceeded to head down to Seven-Eleven.



Upon entering Seven-Eleven, Phra Phai greeted the senior worker, saying, "Hello, Phi Sa."

"Hey Phra Phai, did you come to buy some snacks?" Sathak, one of the seniors, smiled and asked. Phra Phai nodded, smiling, before searching for Ya. Meanwhile, Art looked for some snacks to eat.

"What about Phi Ya? Where did he go?" Not finding him anywhere, Phra Phai asked Phi Sa curiously.

"He was scheduled for an afternoon shift, but he called to say that he was not feeling well. So, I told him to take a break." Sa replied. Phra Phai's expression turned worrisome.

"How is he now? Yesterday, he looked a bit strange while we were eating noodles. It seemed like he couldn't eat much." Phra Phai mentioned recalling their recent meal together.

Sa responded, "I think he wasn't feeling well."

"Phra Phai, what drink do you want?"  Art's voice sounded so Phra Phai then walked separately to help his friend choose the drinks. He planned to visit Ya at his dormitory after they finished the report, as Ya had done the same for him the previous day. After selecting the snacks and water, Phra Phai and Art returned to Graf's condo.

"Are you done yet?" Entering the kitchen, Phra Phai asked Graf and Son.

"Not yet, just wait a second, Phra Phai," Graf turned and replied with a smile.

"Let me go and see the room for P' Pakin for a moment," Phra Phai then proposed. This caused Art and Son to turn around, looking confused, as they were unaware that Pakin had a condo in the same building.

"Phakin is here too?"  Son asked immediately and Phra Phai nodded in confirmation.

"Yes, Phi Phakin hired us to clean the room for you," Phai explained with a smile. He walked away from Graf's room, knowing that his friends would surely bombard him with questions. Phra Phai proceeded to Pakin's room, where he dusted a bit, intending to clean it again the following day since Pakin would be back as well.

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