Chapter 19

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"Joe" Graf called his lover in a deep voice. Joe smiled softly before telling Graf about his fight with Ko. Graf immediately furrowed his brows but listened silently until Joe finished.

“I told you to stay calm,” Graf said, not taking it seriously.

“I wanted to stay cool. But I couldn't. I'm sorry," Joe said in a serious tone. Graf sits still and looks at the face of his lover before letting out a small sigh of relief.

“It is true that using your strength this time, allowed you and that guy to reconcile with each other like a man. But what if things weren't like this? You would have made another enemy. And do you think he won't pay you back? If he were hell-bent on getting back at you then he would not let you be in peace, not even in college," Graf grumbled again. Joe understands and agrees with his lover. But it's still good that this time he and Koh really made peace.

“If something like this happens again, I promise to be more patient,” Joe grabbed Graf's hand and gently squeezed it. Graf smiled slightly.

"No promises, I just want you to be more mindful," Graf said with a smile.

🚪 Ding Dong!!

The doorbell sounded in front of their room causing Joe to raise his eyebrows a bit.

" I'll go see for myself," said Joe, before standing up to look through the peephole with a frown when he saw who was ringing in front of his room. Joe opened the door with a straight face. The other party was slightly surprised when he saw Joe.

“You're back, Joe?” Fang called out.

“Yes,” Joe answered quietly. He had never liked Fang, not even for a second.

“Graf?” Fang asked for Graf because Joe didn't invite him into the room. Graf heard the sound and came to stand next to Joe.

“Ao, Brother Fang, what's the matter?” Graf asked in a normal manner. While Joe leaned against the door frame, looking at Fang with a still gaze.

“I brought the bowl back. I've washed it. The porridge was delicious. Thank you very much, Graf," Fang said with a smile and handed the empty bowl back to him. Graf took the bowl back while Joe turned to look at Graph

“What porridge?” Joe asked sternly.

"Well, the rice porridge I made, I shared it with Brother Fang too," Graf replied straightforwardly because he has nothing to hide from his lover.

“The porridge I ate earlier?” Joe asked again and Graph nodded causing Joe to frown immediately. Graf also realized that his lover was in a bad mood.

"Thank you for bringing the bowl back, " Graf turned to cut off Fang. The young man smiled slightly.

"Uh... I'm sorry, ” Fang said before walking back to his room. Joe immediately pulled the door shut.

"What's wrong, it's just porridge, Joe," said Graf to his lover.

“He ate before me, right?” Joe asked in a deep voice.

“Eating before or after, it makes no difference, Joe. Can you not be upset? We just had a conversation just now about keeping ourselves calm?” Graf said to his lover.

“But for me, it makes a difference. If it is about you, I'd like to be the first to participate in everything. You can say I'm selfish. But I don't like people cutting me in the face with everything about you. You're kind to everyone else. Even if you say that you didn't think anything of it. But how do you know that your action won't make other people think?" Joe said in a deep voice.

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