Pakin & Prapai Ch-4

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"l...I'm not a psychopath," Phai said with a stuttering voice because he was shocked to suddenly see Pakhin in front of him at such a close distance.

"if not, then why did you follow me?" Pakin asked with a straight face. Phra Phai was a little disconcerted. Because his mind was blank at the unexpected approach but when he realized his purpose of coming here, he hurriedly pulled something out of the bag that he was carrying and immediately placed something in Pakhin's hand.

"I brought the money for the rice. Phi Pakin did not accept the money. So I bought the stuff back for you," Phra Phai said immediately. Whenever he was near him, he was rarely able to do anything right. But he didn't want to act awkwardly in front of Pakhin this time.

'I'm leaving now," finished speaking Phra Phai immediately ran back to his group. Leaving Pakhin standing still, looking at the bag of food in his hand alone.

"He came and left as quick as a flash. What's the hurry?!" Pakin said in a monotonous voice before opening the bag in his hand. The tall figure shook his head slightly seeing several bottles of the brand of electrolyte drink he regularly drinks in the bag. In total, it would have been appropriate for the payment Pakhin made for Phra Phai's food.

"Stubborn," Pakin muttered before walking towards his car carrying the bag and then going to have lunch with his friends.


"Seniors collectively called us," said Son at the end of the last lesson of the day.

"Um, they asked us to go down to the bottom of the building, right?" Phra Phai asked back. Son nodded in acceptance before Phai called to inform the seniors at work that he would not go to work this evening. The first-year students of the Faculty of Interior Architecture sat together under the building that the senior had informed.

"Sit in a line, everyone," said the senior's voice. Phra Phai's group sat down immediately.

(What will Pakhin say? That I brought drinks instead of money for rice) Phra Phai sat down and thought about Pakhin.

(Can't help it. Phi Phakin does not accept the money) Phra Phai thought in his heart before turning his attention to the senior who spoke in front of them. Now the juniors had to introduce themselves in front of the seniors one by one until reaching Phai.

"My name is Phra Phai Isavakon," Phra Phai introduced himself.

"Wait! The senior called him when Phra Phai was about to sit down as before causing the young man to pause a bit.

"You don't have a nickname, do you?" Senior asked again. Many people turned to look at Phra Phai with interest. Especially seniors, both female and male.

"Phra Phai is my name and nickname. Or you can call it short as Phai," replied the young man.

"What's your name? I can't hear you. Come out here," The senior beckoned. Phra Phai frowned slightly but agreed to walk to the front. The male senior who called him hugged Phra Phai's thin shoulders.

"Shout out loud, what's your nickname?" Senior said.

"My name is Phai!!!" Phra Phai shouted amid the smiles and waves of laughter of the seniors.

"Pound, you don't have to hug his shoulders so tightly," Another senior's teasing voice sounded making Phra Phai know that the senior who hugged his shoulder was Pound.

"I'm afraid I can't hear him," replied the other with a smile before agreeing to allow Phra Phai to go back to his seat and allow the others to introduce themselves.

On the other hand, the Faculty of Sports Science also invited their juniors as well. Pakin had to take care of this section as well. But he just sat and watched sophomores talk to the first-years. Coco punished Joe and Fluke causing Pakin to slightly frown because he didn't see Joe and Fluke do anything wrong.

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