Chapter 14 🔞

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"Woohooo, whoa, woohoo!" Joe ran towards Graf with happiness holding Graph up vertically. Graf grinned happily as well before he paused when he realized that it wasn't just the two of them there. Graf quickly patted Joe's shoulder. Joe also came to his senses and hurriedly put Graph down.

"I won!!!," Joe said with a smile, his face slightly flushed but kept his face still.

"Ummm, I'm glad for you," Graf replied. Fluke and Aon turned to look at each other, smiling and came to congratulate Joe.

"Joe, give your book for Koh to sign it," Brown called out making Joe remember. He hurriedly opened his bag and picked up the notebook to give it to Koh who now stood with a sullen face. His eyes stared into Joe's face as if he was going to eat him alive.

"Thank you Koh for giving me a chance," Joe replied, looking back at Koh. Koh doesn't dare to do much because Brown stood nearby. He inevitably had to sign Joe's autograph book.

"What about me?" Fluke asked.

"Come and ask for this in the evening," Koh replied curtly before grunting to get his bag and going to change clothes in the locker room. Koh's friends followed him as well.

"This Coco isn't going to end it," Brown grumbled.

"Never mind, brother," Joe replied before bowing his hand.

"Thank you brother Brown very much. Who came as a referee," Joe raised his hand to pay respect to Brown. Brown patted Joe's shoulder lightly.

"It's okay, let's just feed me some rice. Wait, you go change your clothes in the bathroom. Don't change it in the locker room. I don't know if I've injected some anti-rabies injection or not," Brown said coming out. Joe chuckled before nodding. Fluke and Aon also came to pay their respects and thanked Brown as well before Brown walked away. Joe also invited his friend and Graf out of the gym. Fluke and Aon walked first for Joe and Graf to talk.

"I'll go back to my faculty first," Graf said as he walked out of the gymnasium.

"Oh! And where's my prize?" Joe immediately demanded his prize.

"Wait a while, let's go back to our room first," Graf said, his voice a little low. Joe smiled wryly while pretending to make a horny face on Graph.

"Give prizes in the room. Or... you'll. ..." Joe spoke intermittently, staring at Graf. Graf's face flushed before throwing back the student shirt that he was holding. The blow to Joe's face wasn't too powerful.

"Oh, why did you hurt me?" Joe cried out teasingly but his mouth smiling.

//Your face is so horny, you crazy bastard// Graph said pretending to be angry to hide his embarrassment.

// I don't mean the horny stuff like you think Joe// Graph came out again.

//What kind of lewd stuff?? | didn't think anything of it, Ah, so you thought about it. Right, Graf?// Joe pretended to point at his face to tease his lover. Graf vigorously brushed Joe's hand.

// You don't have to act like you don't know anything. Your face speaks for itself// Graf came back at him.

//Okay, I can go back to get the prizes in the room// Joe replied with a smile. Graf smiled back.

"Then let's go back to class first. At the end of school, we will do what we discussed before," Graf said again. Joe nodded before Graf split and walked the other way. As for Joe, he walked together with Fluke and Aon.


"Oh! why are you still wearing sportswear?" Graf greeted his lover after the seniors let them go home. Graf walked to meet Joe at his faculty because he thought he quit faster but met Joe on the way.

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