Chapter 29

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Joe rides back to the condo with Graf sitting silently behind him. The two entered the room without anyone saying anything. Then Graf walked straight into the bedroom to take a shower to cool down first. Joe sat feeling stressed on the sofa in the living room. He sat with deep guilt in his heart that he did not know how to control his emotions which, he should have done a better job than what he did. Therefore causing him and Graf to fight even harder than before. He accepted that anything related to Graf made him lose his control over himself very easily. Joe sighed heavily and lay down on the sofa with his hand on his forehead thinking where to begin and what to say to Graf. He didn't what to do to fix everything. While driving back his mood had cooled down a little.


After taking a shower and getting dressed, Graf sat motionless at the foot of the bed in his bedroom wondering how to start talking to Joe cause he didn't know what to say either. Since they got together in high school, they never quarrelled. Even if there was this awkward feeling before, they would disperse and return home to calm themselves first. And then came to talk later. But now the two of them lived together in Bangkok. So they are together almost all the time. Therefore, there is no space between them for them to calm down in private. Because they have to see each other every day.

After sitting and thinking about this for a while, Graf got up and walked out of the bedroom. Seeing Joe lying on the sofa with his hand covering his forehead, he couldn't help but feel pity for his lover. Joe heard the sound of his lover approaching and turned to look. Seeing Graph, he moved and sat up with a stressed expression on his face. When they were out, they fought so loudly with each other, but when they are alone in their room, nobody has anything to say. Both of them remained silent together.

"Joe, we've got to settle for a bit," said Graf, causing Joe to pause for a moment.

“I think we should stay apart for two or three days, okay?” Graf continued causing Joe to immediately look at Graph with big eyes.

“Why?” Joe asked, sounding tense.

“When we fight, Neither of us has any space to adjust the mood or to sit and think about the conflict at all. And it made the two of us fight even more. I think it's a good way, we should..." Graf was explaining.

“No!” Joe interrupted immediately while looking at Graph with painful eyes

“Why? It's the same as yesterday. When you went to calm down in your friend's room. It's like leaving some space for each other. You will have time to think. I, myself, would have time to review what happened," Graf continued to speak.


Joe hugged Graf's waist along with the face tucked into the belly of his lover who was standing in front of him causing Graph to freeze a bit

“Don't talk like this, Graph... don't be apart. About yesterday I'm sorry that I went to sleep somewhere else and left you alone in our room... I won't do that again... please. Do not separate. Just yesterday staying away from you, I felt like I was going to die," Joe said in a low voice.

“Then why did you leave? But I think it’s good. It gives both of us more time to ourselves,” Graf said back. Joe shook his head against Graf's stomach.

"I don't want to leave you, I beg you, don't do this," Joe pleaded to his lover again. Graf sighed lightly.

“Joe, I want you to have space too, just for a couple of days,” Graf said back. Joe raised his head to look up at Graph with a serious expression on his face.

“If you're thinking of breaking up with me, I won't," Joe spoke out, his voice shaking slightly.

“Joe, I never thought about breaking up with you. But I want to ask for space for both of us. So that we can have some time to reconsider what and where should we adjust. I also have a bad side, as well as you too. Let's take a step back and look at our own bad sides first, shall we? Then we'll talk again, it's only three days, Joe," Graf said in a serious tone after thinking and making a decision

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