Chapter 12

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"No one. It's just me," Graf replied directly. Joe frowned a bit.

"Hey! Did Kan intend to teach you Or did he intend to provoke you to start a fight between the two of us?” Joe said jokingly. He didn't feel any resentment against Kan because he knew very well that Kan had good intentions.

“I called to ask Hia,” Graf replied, and Joe shook his head.

“What's the matter? If you don't share it with me, what am I supposed to do?” Joe said jokingly because he didn't want to make the atmosphere stressful. Graf sighed lightly.

“I'm so stressed out. I don't like the way you act calmly. I don't like it when you don't talk to me much," Graf said. Joe smiled a little as he realised that Graf really cared about him as well.

“I just didn't want to bother you so much. I was afraid you would be annoyed with me,” said Joe. Graf shook his head.

“I am never bothered by you. I never get tired of you," Graf promptly replied.

“Same here,” Joe replied before turning to look at the fresh food that was still laying on the kitchen slab.

"I guess we'd better continue cooking, I'm hungry," Joe said, Graf, smiling lightly before the two moved to help each other prepare the ingredients and cook dinner together.


"Are you okay?" Fluke's voice asked as he walked over to sit with Joe at the desk in front of the faculty building in the early hours of the day. Joe smiled and nodded.

“Even though your face is blooming," Fluke continued to tease him. Joe didn't answer. Soon all the friends in the group came together.

"Should we hunt for autographs today?" Aon asked and everyone nodded in agreement. Joe frowned a little.

“if we go to ask for the signatures of other seniors, that is fine, but if we have to ask Ai' Koh for his signature, I'm afraid I won't be able to control my temper,” Joe grumbled in frustration.

"Well, he dislikes your face even more," Aon said thoughtfully.

“Never mind, we're here too. If he does something beyond reason, then we can help each other as witnesses,” Fluke said, and Joe nodded in agreement. But if Coco starts first he will try to endure as much as he can.
(lunch break )

Joe didn't go to eat with Graf that day because he went to get the signatures of his seniors with his friends.

“I want to ask Ai Koh's group first. so I can see how he will react to me," said Joe. His friends were curious as well. After eating lunch, Joe's group then took a walk to find Koh's group and found them sitting and chatting at a table near the gymnasium. The laughter fell silent as Joe's group approached them. Koh looked at Joe with visibly unfriendly eyes. But Joe ignored him.

“What is it?” one of the seniors asked. Joe's group then introduced themselves one by one and told them the purpose of wanting to get a senior's autograph.

"You guys think you'll get it that easily?" Koh said a little agitated while looking at Joe. Joe's group fell silent and did not argue with him.

"Come out and stand in front of me. Joe, why are you hiding behind?" Koh said that Joe was standing behind his friend. Joe frowned slightly but moved to stand in front. He stood behind his friend because he saw that he was taller than the rest of his friends. He didn't have any intention to hide behind others.

"Just calling their names makes them repulsive. What is that look on your face?" Koh was still talking about Joe.

“Nothing,” Joe replied in a normal tone. In his heart, he was counting to a hundred to calm himself down.

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