Good Start, Not So Promising Future

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Sunil's POV

For the last few weeks i have had really bad throat pain, but thought nothing of it. Now i have been feeling nauseas', oh shit Fab im gonna vomit. Half way to the toilet it comes out, I look down to see blood. Amore you ok Fab runs up to me, i dont know Fab. We need to call the doctor now, no im fine its just a viral infection. AMORE FOR FUCKSAKE WHAT VIRAL INFECTION MAKES YOU COUGH UP BLOOD, i get scared. Amore im just worried about you, Fab hugs me. I'm sorry for shouting at you, im trying to work on it. I get angry easy, got it off my dad. I just love you so much to loose you Sunil, i just get a bit jealous i suppose Amore. Fab you wont loose me, I love you too. I dont want to loose you, Im going to get a bucket. Ill clean up i say, no you rest Amore. I will do it, you need to rest your not well. Can you get me some water Fabby, yes Amore. He kisses me on the lips, oh im sorry Amore is it too soon. Come here Fabby, i kiss his lips. Does that answer the question, I'll be back Amore.

Fabio's POV

Johnny i wasn't expecting you i say loudly, ive come to sort things out. He's not well but hes in his room,wait Fabio. Yeah John, why is their blood on you. Oh this i cut my hand see, ok how did it happen Johnny asks with a suspicious tone. Plate broke while washing up, ok. Go see him i say, ill come back when hes feeling better. You sure, yeah Johnny says. I walk up the stairs with the water, Amore here you go water. Johnny wanted to see you, but he left. I told him you wasn't well, thanks your a life saver.

Fabio, yes Amore. You know nearly everything about me, but i barely know anything about you. What brought this up, well its just ive been wondering. Are you in trouble or something Fabby, NO its just it brings back bad memories my past and Italy. What was Elio like, he he i begin to cry. Fuck im sorry Fabio, he hugs me. I push him away, i get up to get my phone. Im sorry Fabio dont go, i walk in. This is him, he was amazing. Alot like you but your better, sorry Elio. He just knew me, he made me so happy from the life i had. He made me forget about it i say, he would be so proud of you. I bet he misses you, not as much as i miss him i say. You should phone him Sunils says, i will soon Amore. Me saying that killed, knowing he will never pick up. Im so angry, what brought this up. Amore, what brought this up. Its just know your name, where your from and thats it. WHAT YOU DONT TRUST ME, THATS ALL I GET. No i do, its just nothing Fab i love you he turns over and begins to cry. What have i done, Amore mi dispiace tanto. I know what he means, its just ive done things im not proud of or things a child should never have to do. I have had it hard, but not as bad as he has fuck.

I have seen alot of pictures of your children, but i noticed Gavin hasn't messaged you in a long time. He breaths in heavy and begins to cry, its because hes no longer with us. Im sorry Amore, he was happy with us. But he missed his mom and family, which i understood. He claimed to be happy, he felt trapped. His Parents hated him, because he was gay. He used to bully Ashton when i was with him, but one day me and Ashton was on the Sofa. About 12 am, the door knocked. It was Gavin he was covered in bruises and naked, i took him in and later adopted him. Him and Ashton brought me so much Joy, helped ,e through the ups and downs with Johnny. Well anyway he went back, he came to see us. But Mattia and Ashton were out with John, he was really suspicious. But i didn't not know he was going to do, what he did. I sensed something was off. He gave me a letter to read at a certain time, so i did with the family. He had wrote a letter, that his parents hated him. He was left us for them, he thought we would not let him back in. He committed suicide on his moms Birthday, as a gift to her. She hated him and only wanted him for the money. I read this letter everyday, thinking how did i not see it, what could i have done. I had to Cremate my son before, i should of been. It hurts me everyday, Im sorry Amore i asked, no you had a right to know. I hug him, what did his mom say, she was happy. But she took me to court, saying i had no right to do hi funeral. I won, she was banned from coming and was sent to prison.

that was the second cause for the bridge incident, What was the first i ask. My grandma's death she had cancer, but what topped it off was the. the death of my mom, omg Amore im so sorry. She was in a car accident, she knew it would happen. She gave me a letter, i also read it everyday, thats when i feel her presence the strongest. Fabby, promise me we can have 4 empty seats for them. When we get married, you want to marry me yes i do. I hug and kiss him. My mom made me promise me this before she died, to keep 4 empty seats with their pictures. One for my Mom, Grandma, Grandad and Gavin, i promise you Amore.

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