Revitalising Colour Fading Black and White

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Sunil's POV

I tell Fabio to beg Johnny to come over, to talk to me.

Johnny walks in, he looks at me in a wheelchair. He breaths heavy, I can't do this Sunil. I grab his hand, it's ok I'm here calm down. No I cant do this, I caused this. Jo you didn't, I refused to pay them. Is still my fault, you could of died. I needed you, i nearly killed you because I needed you. No Johnny, it's ok I'm alive that's all that matters. They is a man hunt for them, they will get what they deserve. So will I, he leaves. Johnny wait please, No I cant do this.

Johnny starts tour later on today, I'm nervous. He is too, he will just freeze on stage. He's in alot of pain, Darian messages me. Johnny needs you, he just froze crying. The last time he toured was when he was happy with you, I'll try my best.

Fabio, Johnny- before I could finish, go he needs you.

I wheel my way their, I arrive j get on stage. I begin singing, his song boyfriend. He looks at me and runs off stage, bare with me guys. I wheel after him, I knock his door. Go I can't swe you like that, stop caring for me you shouldn't care for me. I wheeled my way here, so you better open the door. He falls into my arms, I close the door. Johnny you can't blame this on you, if it wasn't me it would be you. I tool this for you, please don't blame yourself. I love you John your my sons dad, my bestfriend.  He smiles, I love it when you smile. I know you lost it, when I had my rough patch. But were friends, were on good terms. Their is no need to hide your happiness, please be happy. If not do it for me, the kids and your friends. Now tell me, tell you what he says with a tilted head with a confused look. Tell me it wasn't your fault, how can I lie it's not lying, tell m or were no longer friends. He looks at me with sadness, you need to mean it to John. I..t wasn't my fault Sunil, I hug him. Damn right it wasn't, I kiss his head. Now finish the show, will you come with me on stage. Of course I will, thank you Sunil.

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