No Black and White, Just Colour

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Sunil's POV

Johnny walks in with water bottles, forgot your tshirt creep I say. You liked me like this, oh shit im sorry. Johnny says, its- before I could answer he runs upstairs.

I see him on the edge of the bed, looking out the window. Hey what's wrong, I thought I offended you. No you didn't, I actually found it cute it felt like the old days. You could never offend me John, you know this. You have said some crazy shit before, I laugh. He smiles weakly, how are you feeling mentally good he say while smiling weakly. Well the smile says otherwise, what's wrong. Nothing, well if you don't want to tell me. Please tell someone, I worry about you John. You can't, you have your own family to worry about. You have enough on your plate, how do you still have time to worry and care about me Johnny says. I just do, and i always will. I just don't want to see you in that dark state again, it hurt me so bad. That you felt so alone, I felt like I failed you. You didn't fail me Sunil, I failed myself. I know your hurting, you need to get help. YOUR SAYING IM DAMAGED, no. I'm just thinking about you, obviously you feel you can't talk to me. But you have to talk to someone John, please do if for me. He gets up, and hugs me. Fine, I'm sorry. For what I ask, for shouting at you.

I know you care for me, it just hurts me to see you. After everything I did and said, you needed me and I wasn't their. It's ok, you had your own demons. I hug him to reassure him, it's ok I promise. After everything you have been through, how are you not mental. My family keeps me going, you keep me going, Ashton, Gavin, Nidal Mattia and Fabio keep me going, I have something to hold on for and to fight for. After my time away, I came back. Mattia and Ashton got angry with me, they saw Nidal and thought I'd tried to replace them. He needed a family, so I took him in. They were so nice to him, but Nidal has trust issues. He only talks to me, but Ash and Matt were bitter towards me. Like when we were together, Fabio really tried, I think he got them to the stage where Gavins words were the final piece. You needed me, I wasn't their Johnny says. But if i needed you, you would drop everything and come. Were not together, but our bond is strong. I do love you Sunil, I know John I love you too. Now creep put a shirt in please, he laughs and smiles. That what I wanted to see, you know if you need me John im here. I'll come straight away, no matter what. But Fabio, he understands. My bestfriend needs me, he's very good like that. When Mattia was almost raped, and you were loving with us. Fabio came home after I begged him too, he thought I was cheating on him. He was going to bed, I said are you nor gonna sleep with me, he said Mattia needs you more. So if you needed someone to hold you, he would let me. I only have eyes for him, and I think he knows that. I trust him, he trust me.

We go downstairs, you ok John I ask. I am now, it's it ok If. If what, nevermind.  Not tell me, if I stay for a bit. I feel lonely at home, I don't want to go to LA where my family are its to hectic. You never need to ask, you can just come. My house is still your house, I kiss his head.

Johnny gets a message, he looks scared. He runs upstairs. I run after him, I stop him. Hey Jonnyboi what's the matter, its nothing. He has tears about to run down his face, hey you can tell me. Remember what I said earlier, huh. Your my bestfriend, my lover, you won't judge me. Promise me, so I've been a slag. I'm dirty, I've done some stupid stuff. Got involved with the wrong people, I thought they were good.

Hey I could never judge, we all make mistakes. I know your hurting, I'm in debt sunil alot. They keep upping the money, they coming after me. Your the only Hope I had to keep me safe, the only person I could count on. How much you need 2 thousand dollars, no tell me the full price. No I cannot do that, you have Fabio, Nidal, Gavin, Mattia and Ashton to focus. What will you guys use, Noah relied on me once. I promised to help him until he needed it,  now tell me. No my dad Is gonna help, no John tell me. I can't you have a family he says, yes that includes you too Johnny. Now tell me, no he just crys. Can I have a hug, of course you can.

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