Coronation Party

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Sunil's POV

I have just finished performing on stage. It felt great, but I don't know if I'm ready to continue. Fabio meets me back stage, how did it feel to be back on stage he says. It felt amazing, but i don't think I'm ready. You take your time amore, but remember you have us your family and friends to support you. It felt good seeing you perform Ashton says, you killed it dad Mattia says. They all hug me, Johnny rings me. I say give me minute, I walk away. Hey Sunil, it felt good to see you on stage. It's where you belong, yeah it felt good I say. Hey what's wrong Johnny asks, nothing I'm fine. Don't lie to me we may not be together, but I know you the most. I know when something is wrong, I just feel like I should break up with Fabio. What are you mad he says, I just feel like everything he has done for me. I feel like I don't deserve him, he deserves someone better than me.

Don't be silly Sunil, he's obsessed with you, he loves and I see that. Look he will fight for you no matter what, you did it too I say. Yeah I did, but not the way he does, yes I want you back. But you can't break his heart like that, I have learned that I respect your relationship. I promise I will not damage it, I will always be here for you. Thanks Johnny, your the best. I got to go he says, do you have too. I just need someone to talk too, but these kind of things i can't talk to Fabio with. When you get back, we will talk face to face.

Fabio where are you, I'm here amore. I kiss him, I love you Fabby. Yeah I know you do, I hug him. You ok amore, yeah I'm fine. Just pain in my throat, are you sure you gonna be ok. Yeah I promise, Amore your voice is going its breaking too, must be because I haven't sung like that in awhile all at once. He holds my hand, ready to go. We say bye to everyone, I ring Noah. Hey where we're you, I was looking forward to seeing you. Last minute shooting, I couldn't avoid it. I'll see you soon I go to go he says.

We arrive back in Canada.

The door Knocks, Noah I say as I hug him. I missed you so much, I did too. Where is Fabio, he's out with the kids. Noah can I ask you something, can you stay for awhile. Is everything ok, I just missed you so much. That's not the reason, I just feel so alone. Even though I have Fabio and Everyone, I just dont know how to explain it. I begin to cry, hey its ok. Noah wipes my tears away, he kisses my head. Just than Fabio walks in, WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE. Its not what you think Fabio I say, WELL WHAT THE HELL WAS IT, YOU KISSED. No we didn't I say, I SAW IT DONT TRY AND LIE. STOP SHOUTING AT HIM AND LET HIM EXPLAIN FABIO, fine I'll stop shouting, but I don't want no excuses or stories. I'm leaving, was I just a game to you. No I love you, I know Amore, but you can't be kissing other people. I will always love you, but I can't be with a cheater. Noah I thought you would know better, we didn't kiss. YOU DID, Fabio please stop. WHEN YOU HAD TREATMENT WHO WAS THEIR FOR YOU ME, WAS NOAH THEIR. You had treatment and you did not tell me, I didn't want to worry you. You have already done enough for me, which I can never repay. I don't want you to repay it, your my brother I love doing things for you.

SEE YOU CHEAT ON PEOPLE AND HIDE THINGS FROM PEOPLE, LOOK NOAH THSI IS THE REAL HIM. SUNIL HOW THE FUCK COULD YOU NOT TELL ME, ITS BECAUSE I HATE WORRYING YOU OK. WHEN WE WERE TOGETHER YOU WOULD ALWAYS GET WORRIED, YOU WOULD GO BACK TO STOPPING EVERYTHING AND YOU HAVE ANXIETY. Everything I do is for other,but still I get the shitload. Fuck off I'm out of here, Fabio says so am I Noah says. I begin to cough, I cough up blood. Can't fool me Fabio says, Sunil you ok Noah says, Dad answer us. I cough up more blood, I don't know. Fabio this is real, I'm out of here. I fall into Noah arms, I'm sorry for not telling you. I understand why you didn't, I'm sorry Noah says.

I begin to cry, Fabio isn't like that. He's just angry and saw something that didn't happen, he's actually amazing. Mattia calls Fabio.

Fabio's POV

I get a call from Mattia, hey you ok. Yes, I need a word with you. What's up, Dad would never cheat on you, he's been cheated on. He knew how much pain it caused him, he promised he would never cheat on anyone. He never breaks his word, please comeback. No he's put you up to this, no he didn't. I know Dad, when he's lying I can tell. I swear to god he's not lying, he loves you. He would never do anything to hurt that, I sigh. Your just saying this to get me back, fine don't believe me. But remember not everything is what it seems, I cut of the phone. Mattia sends me a video, and it shows and had the audio of what happened. I'm so stupid, I throw my phone.

Should I go back, or will he be angry with me.

It's been 3 weeks since I last saw Sunil, I have been told he is still in hospital. I did not not whether I should go, I still don't. But I have too, he's the love of my life. He has changed me, he has been the one to lower my walls. I need to go see him, it's going to be hard for me. I caused such a big problem, I should of listened to him first. I know he would never cheat on me, especially everything he went through.

I knock the door, Sunil opens it.

He looks at me and goes to close the door, Amore please. We back to being together he says angrily, I have never seen him like this. I love you I say, Fabio make up mind. I can't keep doing this, with people. Am I the problem, or is it the people I just fall for. He says is a raspy voice, am I just not good enough for anyone. I sacrifice everything for my ex boyfriends, but all I get it hate in return. I give up, he begins to cry. Amore, I'm sorry. I love you I say as I hug him. Your are good enough, you are my ride or die. Please forgive me amore, he kisses me. Does that mean I'm forgiven, what do you think Fabio.

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