Choices 2

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Sunil's POV

I wake up, still blurred vision. Fabio I call out, to get no response. Gavin I call out, he comes yeah dad. What's wrong, wheres Fabio I ask. He went out, you need anything. You I say, what do you mean. If I tell you something will you write it down, sure.

That it Dad or, no that's it. Fabio has been a bit distant he's always gone. I have a hunch. He does not sleep with me. When he comes, I want him to see this. Hopefully, he will understand. What a blessing he is to me, from God himself.

Fabio's POV
It's been a few hours since I left, I don't know its all my fault he's ill. If I never met him, he would be ok. Happy with a family, happy with Johnny. I got in the way of them, am I making a mistake being with Sunil.

I walk home, I close the door. I hear FABIO COLOMBO ROYALTY, GET UP HERE NOW. Oh shit what's wrong, I run up the stairs. What's wrong Sunil, he looks at me with shock. Where were you I was worried, just went to think. Sit he says, I do. So what's troubling you Fabio, nothing Sunil. Ok fine, I want you to read this. I begin to read.

My soul has be brightened by a light, I praise the creator of mankind

You cheered up my heart, when my tears were flowing bringing him into my life

Oh god, thanks for guiding us to eachother

In the tranquility of the dark night, I thank you unconditionally for what you've done for me

When their was black mist surrounding me

Oh all knowing one, oh kind one, oh understanding one, oh merciful one, oh meaningful one, oh all hearing

Thanks God for being all giving, oh answerer, oh magnificent, oh creator

The people and animals you sent, guided me closer to him.

You guided me to the true one I searched for

You are my guider of truth lord, oh god the creator, oh god the saviour

You gave me the aid I was seeking, the guider to full life

God you are my guider to the afterlife to bring us back together, oh god please forgive my wrongs

Thank you for my wish, thank you for  my forgiveness.

My soul has be brightened by a light, I praise the creator of mankind

You cheered up my heart, when my tears were flowing bringing him into my life

Oh god, thanks for guiding us to eachother

In the tranquility of the dark night, I thank you unconditionally for what you've done for me

When their was black mist surrounding me

Oh all knowing one, oh kind one, oh understanding one, oh merciful one, oh meaningful one, oh all hearing

Thanks God for being all giving, oh answerer, oh magnificent, oh creator

The people and animals you sent, guided me closer to him.

You guided me to the true one I searched for

You are my guider of truth lord, oh god the creator, oh god the saviour

You gave me the aid I was seeking, the guider to full life

God you are my guider to the afterlife to bring us back together, oh god please forgive my wrongs

Thank you for my wish, thank you for  my forgiveness.

It's beautiful, who is about, you and god. God bringing you into my path, I begin to cry. He holds me, what's wrong Fabio. It's just I'm not the greatest mentally, I feel like it's all my fault your like this. I've messed your life up more, caused you so much hurt. I think if I should of said yes that day, if I never came here to Toronto. If I never married you, you could be happy with Johnny have a family back. He hugs me, my love never think like that. I'm ill because my body caught up with me, you made me the happiest ever. You healed me when others could not, if you did not save me I would not be here. They would be no family, just a half one.

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