Golden Glimmer, Sound Of Silence

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Sunil's POV

It's been a few days, and Andrea has been staying with us.

I hear shouting on the phone from Andrea's room, I hear him shout bye. Fabio is asleep next to me, I carefully get off the bed. So I do not wake him, I check Andrea's room. Drea you ok, he's not in their.

I go in to the kitchen I see him with a knife to his chest, Drea look at me. Andrea look at me. This is not the answer, look at me. He does, don't do this. This won't anything better, trust me.

He pushes in the knife a bit, Andrea no. This is not the way, think about your friends. Me and Fabio, you'll hurt us doing this. I know you feel bad, how do you know how I feel. I do, when I broke up with my ex. After my mom died, I got depressed. My kids left, and I planned to end my life. But Fabio saved me, he made me realise what I was gonna give up. You have alpt to loose, I have nothing or no one. That's not true Drea, you have me Fabio, Biago and the people who love you. I'll always be here for you, now put the knife down. No, I need to do this. I grab the knife blade with both my hands, I won't let you do this. My hands begin to bleed, no let go. Never Drea, over my dead body. You don't need or want to do this.

I snach the knife from him, cutting my hands deeper. I throw the knife, he falls into my arms. I take my shirt of and rip it in half, covering my arms. He just crys, it's ok Drea. This is not to be ashamed of, your in a bad spot. I hug him, want to tell me what happened. It's too painful, I'm here I got you. My mom wants me out, she wants me dead. She hates me so does my dad, they blame me for them fighting. She never been lie this before neither has my dad, but they said they wish I wasn't born. They'd be happy, maybe their right. Their not, or I would not got to meet you. I say, your a great person Andrea. You better than your parents give you credit for, your parents are so wrong. I'm glad you were born I say, he looks up at me and says really. Yeah I mean it, he smiles. Thanks he says, im so glad you came. Or I would of done something stupid, I am too.

Fabio walks in, WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE. nothing Fabio, YOUR CHEATING ON ME. IM GONNA KILL YOU ANDREA Fabio says, no I get up. I stop fabio with my hands, I wince in pain as I put my hands on his chest. Amore what did he do to you, your hands. He holds them, while looking at them. ANDREA EXPLAIN NOW, he doesn't have to if he's not ready. When he is he'll tell you, right Andrea. Y..eah he mutters, I'm sorry Amore, Sorry Andre. Fabio hugs Andrea, when your ready I'm here. I love you, I do too Andrea says.

Now let's bandage up those hands, Fabio says.

2 days later, Andrea comes to me, I'm sorry about your hands. Don't be silly it was worth it, he hugs me. Ca..n you tell fabio for me about what happened, its too painful for me. Knowing I hurt my bestfriends boyfriend, my friend. Hey its ok, you did not hurt me. Its ok, were alive. Yeah your right, but I'll tell him ok. I rub his shoulder, he says thanks. I understand if you don't want to take me with you, after yesterday. Don't be silly, I would love too bring you back. You can meet your other Nephews, yo..ur classing me as family, yeah your my brother from another mother. My sons uncles, he hugs me and leaves.

I go to the toilet, as thar was my plan. I was comforting Mattia, he's very much still scarred. He only feels safe around me, I promised not leave. But I could not hold it anymore, I hear Mattia scream DAD HELP ME.i run into the room, I see Andrea in the corner of the room crying, what's wrong Mattia. He tried to touch me, hey its ok. I was only checking o..n hi..m he was making noises, I got scared Andrea says. It's ok Mattia it's your Uncle, he won't hurt you. Andrea runs out ther room, I stop him. I'm sorry he says, for what you did nothing wrong. I hug him to reassure him, Sorry Uncle Andrea Mattia says I just got scared.

Wanna go play in the pool Mattia with Nidal, only If you come too. Of course I would, I would never leave you.

Come on then, you not coming Andrea. Don't want to intrude on family time, you are I say. Ok sure, he comes too.

We're sitting outside, What happened to Mattia, sorry he says ignore me. Hey its ok, no i'll tell you. He was nearly raped, he's scarred. Scared of people, touching him or even talki g to him. Unless its me, bless him. He lucky to have a dad like you, I wish my dad was like you. Well I may not be your dad, but im your brother. He hugs me, thank he says.

Fabio's POV

I walk out, I'll leave you both to it Andrea says. He jumps into the pool, hey Amore. Hey piara, you ok he asks yeah you. Yeah I am, I need to tell you something. Sunil holds my hand, no im not cheating. It's about the other day, Drea tried to kill himself. I stopped him, but inorder to do so I had to hold the blade, so that's how I hurt my hand. I kiss his palms, better I say he smile. I'm not a baby he says, you are mine though. We both laugh, but why did he do it. His parents hate him, they want him gone. They told him he's a waste of life, oh bless him. He's my good friend, was their for me after Elio. I could always count on him, but I failed him. He thought he could not count on me, I don't think he thinks that Fab. Have a talk with him, I kiss his lips.

Look Fabio, i know if i needed to come to you I would. Andrea must me going through something that he felt he found not come to you. I know, but im glad he told you Amore. He told someone, who better to tell than you.

Luca Walks in, YOU POISIONED HIS MIND i shout. No Fab, why are you still Angry. I don't know amore I'm sorry, he touches my head and kisses me. Is that better, yeah it is.

Luca leaves, Fab it's Luca he's done something to you. Everything he's around your angry, or near. He's got a hold on you. He it can't be, Fab trust me. It is, Andrea says its got to be.

I'm gonna kill him, no Fabio Sunil says. Ask him why, Luca what have you done to me. Oh you clocked on, I caused this your anger. I thought we were friends, we were. When you came back i fell in love with you, your anger was your downfall. I was hoping Sunil Would dump you, so you'd come to me. But It did not work, you betrayed me I say after everything. I charge at him, I begin Punching Luca.

Sunil's POV
Fab stop, Don't do this. You need to stop this, forgive him. Fabio Just screams while punching Luca, I grab Fabio. Luca is covered in blood, Mattia comes down. Andrea takes him upstairs, What have I done Fabio says. LUCA wake up Fabio says, I check his pulse. Amore tell me he's ok, I'm so sorry Fabby he's gone. I call Fabios dad, who said he will take care of it. How could he Fabio says, I don't know. Your gonna break up with me aren't you amore, I'm a risk to you. No I'm not I say, your not you were proctectign yourself.i know you would never hurt me or the kids, you love us too much.

Fabio Just cries, I hug him tight. Its ok, I'm here Piara.

We go out to have a meal with my parents, we then leave for the Airport for London.

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