Lost Causes

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Sunil's POV

It's been a few weeks, I've pushed everyone away. I'm just punishing myself and my family, now No more.

I wheel out my room, I go into the kitchen. I'm done with Noah, I say. Nidal Mattia and Gavin hug me, were so sorry dad.

You ok Amore Fabio says, yes I'm just great. Family say out, first Bowling, Trampoline Park and then Waterpark. But dad the only thing you can do is bowling, seeing you happy makes me happy. I'll be ok, Bryce rings. Hey B you ok, yeah you. Is  Noah with you, don't say his name infront of me. I hate him, but why. Did he not come to apologise, wait how do you know. I'm in the city centre, THAT FUCKING LIAR. Why Bryce says, I want nothing to do with him ever again his dead to me. He said you both broke up, and he only came here to make you happy. So you will be with him again, Bryce om not gonna lie. But if you do something to hurt him, I wont be their for him. He's dead to me now, I buried that friendship in my friendship cemetery. No dont say that, I'm sorry Bryce. He chose this not me, I was so happy when he came. For him to disrespect me, everything I did for him. That's how he repays me, I cut of the phone.

I see Gavin, Mattia and Nidal run to me, dad what's wrong. Nothing, go enjoy yourself.

Amore its ok, Fabio can you hug me. Sure, he conforts me. I see Noah walk towards me, I look at Fabio. I'm sorry Amore, I did this because I love you. How could you do this behind my back, what do you want boy. To apologise, save it. Theirs nothing to be said, you used me. After everything I did for you, loved you, protected you and helped you. I did everything I could for my so called friend, for him to stab me in the heart and say what you did that day. I made no excuses, but you shut me down. I can't always keep my promises, you know that. Especially in my state, I'm had enough worry on my plate, then you come and make it worse. What person does that to you, I gave you everything I could. A house who. You needed shelter, love when you needed some, support when you had none. Johnny never did what you did, noah. I trusted you with all my heart, I still give you money. From the house rent, I'm scared if you get in a tricky sich (situation) you will have money. I still care for you in mysterious ways, but the stunt you pulled the other day changed everything. How can you do that to me, when all I did was love you.

He says nothing, Answer me Noah. See, I would never do that to you, if Fabio and I was in your position. I would never dream of it, answer me Noah, Noah a answer please. NOAH CASFORD JUPE ANSWER ME, did you not say inwoukd never hurt or betray you. You swore on this promise ring, Noah just hugs me. And crys, he looks at me. I'm sorry Noah I love you I do, but im not going o show you sympathy I'm the victim here.

He kisses my head, I'm sorry Sunnybear. Please forgive me, I say nothing. Atleast think about it, I say nothing. He leaves, as for you Fabio. I love you, I can't be angry at you. Because I would done the same, I kiss Fabio. He kisses me back, you me tonight bed. You can't, fuck it not like I can fell my back anyway or my legs. I don't want to hurt you, you won't your gentle. I love you Amore, I love you to Fabio.

Amore think about it please, I know he hurt you. But it would hurt you more If something happened to him, Fabio you don't understand I want to. But he used me, that what hurts he backstabbed me. He lied, it just makes me think is he actually doing this to be friends. Or is he doing it so Bryce is not mad at him or leaves him. Amore I understand I do, just take your time. It's just I feel like he's being sincere, I don't know Fab. Before I could tell, I knew him so well though I thought I did. I could tell, but he's changed. I thought he was being sincere the first time, but he wasn't.

I go outside, I see Noah. I'm sorry Sunil Noah I want to forgive you, but you lied to me. Its going to take time, I may not even forgive you. I don't know right now, I don't know this time if your being sincere.

I get a message, from Andrea.

A: you ok ❤️
A: I worry about you, I have barely seen you. Im Sorry if I did done something, but I need you.
A: where are you guys, you left me out.

I put my phone I'm my pocket, IF you don't forgive me, I'll tell Fabio your cheating on him. Noah, what's wrong with you, you have changed for the worse. I just want to be freinds again, what's your motive. I messed up, I'm sorry. I feel bad, we were good freinds I miss you. I'm sos sorry, like I said give me time. HOW MUCH TIME, HOW LONG MUST I PAY.

A: you guys at the Trampoline Park, on my way.

Noah it's not that, I've lost trust and faith in you now. I thought I knew you, I look up and he says. Forgive me no or else, you can't blackmail me. Do you think I'll forgive you, Noah Don't make this worse for yourself. Just leave, no.

NOAH CASFORD JUPE JUST LEAVE, DONT MAKE THIS WORSE FOR YOURSELF. I begin to cry, Andrea runs over, get way from him, he pushes Naoh back. Noah runs into the Trampoline place, fuck. Andrea thanks but you should not of pushed him, im sorry u just thought you were in trouble. Did I mess up,no. Andrea wipes my tears away.

Noah runs into the Trampoline Park, fuck he just doesn't know when to quit.

Fabio's POV

Noah runs in, Fabio Sunil is cheating on you with a girl. I laugh, what's do funny. He's gay, he would never be with a girl. Plus he would never cheat on me, I trust him. If he had friends that are girls I don't care, I trust him as he trusts me. But does he really trust you, yes. Sunil comes over, it's not true Fabio. I know Amore, it was just Andrea asking where we were. I trust you Amore, he check anyways. He does, i trust you. So don't worry, I trust you to Fabz.

See he's cheating on you, IM NOT NOAH.  THIS IS ANDREA, HES A GOOD FRIEND Sunil Says. So you replaced me, Sunil says nothing. No I haven't, your just being a dick right now. Noah I think its best you leave. Sunil obviously doesn't want to see you right now, plus your making this worse. More shit you do, the less likely Sunil will forgive you.

Noah leaves, wait Noah I say. Were outside, Noah he's been down about everything. What you did was fucked up, but he loves you he needs you. Its hard he's lost the bestfriend who knew everything about him, you used him. You doing all this inside, made it worse for yourself. Their is no guarantee he will forgive you, I will try my best. Because you are a good person deep down, who made a mistake. But if he does forgive you, don't mess it up. I won't be helping you, Bryce has been looking for you. He won't be happy with you. Noah hugs me, tell him I'm sorry. I just want him back as my bestfriend so bad, I walk back inside.

As for you Fabio, yes Amore. How could I be angry with you, you were doing the right thing. He kisses my lips, amore I don't know what to say. But I will day this, forgive him. Deep down you want too I know you do, yes he used you. But look at how much Johnny and I Did, but yet you forgave us. But you did not so what he did Fabio, he used me. You both never did that, amore it'd eating at you. I see the pain in your eyes, your smile, its hurts me. I can't see you like that, it just breaks me.

I know Fab, but No.. No.. he hurt me bad. You can't even say his name I say, no it causes my blood to boil. I love him I do, I want to forgive him so bad. So why don't you amore, Fab something is holding me back. I don't know what, I know it's hurting him. But he keeps making things worse, i just don't know why.

Andrea pushed No... Noey because, he thought I was in danger. He does care about us Fabio, he needs us. And I'm gonna be their for him, like he was for me.

He is a true friend you have Fabio, don't ever mess it up. I won't Amore, I get up and go to Andrea. Drea you ok, yeah I am. I just feel bad I pushed, Sunil's friend. Don't, you were just protecting him. I hug him to reassure him, it's ok I promise.

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