Tree Of Woe

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Sunil's POV

It's all my fault, all of this is. Ugh I try to be a better person but all the wrongs I did to just haunt me, I'm just bad news for you. I mess up everything, no Johnny you were the best thing to ever happen to me since I moved to Canada. You were my everything, yes you made mistakes I forgave you. The guilt you have shouldn't be there, unless you feel guilty. Everything I do is for the people I love, I never put me first. You need to wake up and realise none of this is your fault, take it from me. You know I would of told you straight up, I know but its how I feel Johnny responds. Well you have some demons to get through, we will do it together like we always have.

Johnny hugs me tight, he pushes me back. I can't do this, its all my fault you were raped so many times, I grab him its not. I'm taking your demons and making them mine John, he runs off. Mattia and Ashton are in the doorway, fuck I mumble. Mattia runs into my chest, I try to hold in my tears to no use. Hey Mattia it's ok, it's not anyone's fault it happened.

It's Dad's if he did not sleep with those boys, Mattia would not of got sexually assaulted, and you wouldn't of got raped Ashton says. No it's not his fault, don't blame your dad. He was in a dark place, you taking it out on him will only make him worse. Remember how I felt when you both avoided me, don't do the same please. No Ashton says, Mattia says it's all his fault. Ashton leaves, Mattia look at me. Please dont for me, if you really love me you won't do this. I'm doing thsi because I love you, you do this ill never forgive you. Matty please, he looks at me and says I can't bare that, okay dad I won't. I promise, he hugs me im sorry. For what, for what happened. You shouldn't be sorry, it wasn't you that did it.

I go into Johnny's room after I hear shouting, Ashton om leaving anyway. I caused this, do I'm leaving. Good your the worse dad ever, Ashton to your room now. He goes, don't go please John. I need you, how can you need me I can't do this it's all my fault. I can't even look at you without feeling pain and guilt, I leave to go to Ashtons room. You were out of order, don't do this please Ashton. I'm doing this for you he says, how do you know what I want. Did I ask you too do this no, so stop. If you love me you will stop, or I won't speak to you. Fine dad im sorry, now go apologise to your dad.

Fabio's POV

Where you going John, I can't be here. Its all my fault he was kidnapped and raped, it wasnt your fault. He need you, I can't even look at him how can I help him, he needs you. Remember everyone thinks he's dead, he need us to support him when he goes see the people he loves. He needs you now wake up and realise that, I hug John. I hear him sigh, better I say. Yeah alot better, I go to see Sunil.

I'm going to see Krew, he needs to know I'm ok. Same with Noah, Bryce, the Binghams and the royal Family. The day I got abducted I had a message from William, plus its George's Birthday coming up it 5 days, I promised to suprise him. Amore I say, but Sunil cuts me off you can't stop me. Amore I want going to, I was gonna ask do you want me to come. Yes please, Mattia and Ashton say we'll stay with Dad. You sure yes, he needs us, he has no one while u have Fabio.

We leave to Utah,

Sunil's POV

I pace up and down, I'm wearing the same robe. Fabio is up the road incase I need him, I see the window open in Krews room. Ryler walks out, what are you doing. Hey Ryler, it's you he says. He goes to fall I catch him and take him inside, on the stairs Is Brex and Haze. It's good to see you, I take my mask of and they faint. I put them on the sofa, where Mindy and Brandon are sleeping. I go to Krews room, I knock. Krewbie, leave me alone. Open the door please, it can't be he says. He runs and opens the door, he faints when he sees my face. I take him downstairs, Fab I need you.

Later they all wake up, Dad krew says I saw Sunil so did we Brexton, Hazel and Ryler say. Its must of been a dream, Fabio Mindy says what are you doing here. To show you something, I walk in. Sunil they all hug me, What happened to you I thought you died Krew says. Well I did but I did not really, the day I was in hospital I was drugged with a drug that stops your heartbeat.makes you seem dead, I was kidnapped and tourtered. By the people that tried to rape Mattia, the made a dummy of me for you to have a funeral to make I died. They were going to kill me but I escaped, were so glad your alive. I stay for a few hours, I'm so sorry Krew I go to go, I'll be back I promise. He hugs me and I leave.

We arrive in London, I knock Noah's door. He opens it, who are you. He asks, i hug him forgetting I had a mask and robe on, get off me or il calling the police. I hug him tighter, it can't be. He pulls of the mask. Sunil, don't haunt me go he says, with fear in his eyes. I love you but, this hurts. He closes the door, I open it with the spare key. He's on the sofa, I sit next to him. It's really me, give me 5 minutes. I tell him what happened, he's just glad your Alive it really hurt me, I couldn't cope without you. Bryce walks in and hugs me, I knew you didn't die. I tell him what happened, he holds Noah's hand. You to back together, yes I told you looking up at the sky. Aww i say, but I guess you never got the message. Well it's because I was alive.

Today is George's Birthday I go to Windsor Castle, in the white robe this time. I go into George's room, he is asleep. He wakes up, who's their he says. I hear the royal guard, I sneak out and hide. The next morning, I sit on the edge of his bed. He wakes up, I say Happy Birthday George. Thanks Sunil, he rubs his eyes this must be a dream, I leave hide in the room. He must of came to say Happy birthday I hear George say, William walks in. Dad Sunil was here, he wished me happy birthday. Through out the say, I keep my eyes on George. But distant, so it does not make him scared. He sees me, and shakes his head. What's wrong George, William says. I thought I saw Sunil, his spirit must be here. To celebrate your special day, he sees me again but I run. He hugs someone thinking it was me, sorry I thought you were someone else. He seems down and crys, I can't keep doing this to him. So I get his cake give it him, gappy birthday I say in a deep voice. Who are you William says, the guards come running. Put your hand up, I refuse. I take my robe off, put the weapon down. George runs infront of me no, put your guns down. Fine, ge hugs me, George stop hugging him. You don't know what he could do, Kate says. I take off my mask, I knew I saw you today George says.

It's an imposter William says, not its him I know it George says. SUPRISE GEORGE I SAY, I give him a 24 karat gold ring. Are you not meant to be dead, George come with me. The guards arrest me, your an imposter Wiliam says.

In the cell William questions me, what is your name Sunil Royalty. When were you born 19/10/02, guards arrest him for treason. William you told me to come for George's birthday to suprise him, im with Fabio. I give him my address, I came here before and saves George, it's really him. Only he would know about surprising George, how are you alive we went to your funeral. I tell him what happened, im so sorry. George walks in, how much did you hear I ask. He said all of it, I'm sorry you had to hear that. He hugs me, its ok George I'm fine. I'm alive and with the people I love, its ok.

I'm with Fab, and the royal Family I get up with Fabio and begin to sing

If I sing ill dance

If you don't dance with me I'll dance anyway

Given me this chance

A song comes on,

We finish dancing, I kiss Fabio. I love you we both say, I pull out ring. I promise myself to you, I promise to protect you, I promise to love and cherish you. I promise to care for you, I promise to fight for you. I promise to love you like I should, I promise to never lie to you. I promise to never leave you, I hug him after I put the ring on his finger. Awww everyone says, I love you Fabio Columbo I always will.

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