Darkening Clouds Above

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Sunil's POV

I book a flight, dreading if Noah will let me in. Help me, or will he be busy like the last time I needed him.

I knock the door, Bryce opens it. Sunil you ok, he hugs me. Noah isn't home at the moment, huh. I'll come back later, no come in. You obviously need him, so wait please.

He takes me to Noah's room, wait here for him. I'm on my way to see my family, I hope your ok. But you don't have to tell me, Noah is the best person to speak to. Of you need anything, help yourself.

Hours later, Noah walks into his room. I'm in his bed lying down, Bryce you missed your flight. Sorry Noah I must of dosed off, Sunil what are you doing here. I need you, I begin to cry. If you don't have time for me I leave, don't be silly. He hugs me, what's wrong. Well after I was kidnapped it took a toll on me, I'm suprised I did not have a mental breakdown. Mattia's Family wanted to see him they wanted to adopt him, he was happy and that's all I care about. So i et him go, he was excited I did not want him to lose the opportunity with his family. So he went on a trial, he seemed so happy. Social media proved it, but it was a lie. He hid his pain, they would verbally and physically abuse him. I seen him, he spoke to me. He thought we would not want him back, because he left us. But I would never do that, he's my son I will always take him back with open arms. Maybe he thought I was angry, I feel like it's all my fault. I let him go, I shouldn't have. I begin to cry, its all my fault. It hurts me, I cannot look at him. It hurts me, seeing the cuts and bruises. Hey Sunny, it's not your fault he hugs me tight. The only person I could think of was you, you know me the most.

He kisses my head, it's ok I got you.

Sunil Noah says, yeah Noey. Well what did you mean about me not having time for you, I sigh. Well when I had my rough patch, I rang you all. But the first time you never answered, when you rang back. I thought you would be their, but I was wrong. You were on set busy, that's the day i planned to end my life.

He looks at me with tears in his eyes, you needed me and I shut you down. I'm such a bad friend, you are my bestfriend. It's ok Noah, it's not your fault. I understand- no im so sorry, Noah it's ok I promise. No, I could of stopped you. I could of came for you to support you, but I never did. Noah it's ok, Fabio helped me. I love you Noah, please don't be like this. I won't I promise I'll always be their for you, I know you are. I hug him, how is Mattia, Ashton and Fabio. I don't know I left without telling them, I just needed to go.

He hugs me, I'm gonna help you. So when you go back, I'm coming to. You need me, more than Bryce does. No he can come too, you both cannot live without eachother.

I do miss us Noah confesses, do you. Of course I do, I was so happy with you. Sometimes I wish I never took the deal, because I would not have gone through all I have. What about Johnny, yes I love him. But I would not of done what I done if I was with you, I miss you everyday. Wanna know something, what I show him my necklace. I still have our promise ring, I wear it around my neck. It makes me feel close to you. He hugs me, I miss you too. I had the best time when I was with you, the only good thing about Canada were my Kids, Johnny and Fabio. But my health declined further, I was kidnapped and raped. Lost the person who knew everything about me, from seeing you everyday to here and their. Was a hard adjustment Noah, Noah looks at me. I miss this he says while hugging me and pointing at my dick. No your with Bryce, I cannot hurt him. Or let you hurt him, I'll b me back. I ring Bryce and tell him, give it him. What you want me to have sex with your boyfriend, yeah I trust you. He needs you right now, he's going through alot. His mom stopped talking to him so has his brother, they left this house. He been in a dark patch, he needed you and would hope you would come. Maybe you can help eachother, I call Fabio. Hey Amore he says, I miss you. Having fun he asks, Well Naoh wants to have sex with me. What's the problem, I feel like I'm cheating on you. As of right now we're not together, I give you permission. When were back together, I only want you like I always have Amore. I just had Sex with Johnny, how was it. Not as good with you, but it was nice.

Noah are you ok, yes I am he say and then he starts to cry. Hey its ok I got you Noah as i hug him tightly, what's wrong. Its nothing, Noah is obviously something or you wouldn't be crying. Well when I got back with Bryce, my family hated the idea. Even Jacobi, they all stopped talking to me. Over someone I loved, yes he did things he shouldn't have but I forgave him. He know he did wrong, but how much .ore does he have to pay. For how long, they will come round. Remember when your mom hated me, we got through it. I will make sure you do too, I know you mom means alot to you, more than anyone. But I promise I'll fix this Noah, I knew I could count on you. For the record, I put you above her. I know when I havea prombles I can talk to you, come to you and you will be their. So why sis you not tell me, you had enough goi g on Sunny. I could not put more pressure or pain on top. I was gonna tell you, but when you got over everything. I wanted to tell you so bad, but I knew it would hurt you. Cause you to go mental, you would come here all guns blazing not thinking straight, you know I'm strong Noah. I would of been fine, promise I'd you have problem no matter what is happening in my life you tell me. Noah is silent swear on out promise rings,I take mine of my neck,Noah's of his fingers and put them in my hand. Promise me Noah, you know I'll always be their for you. So promise me, fine he puts his hand on mine, I promise. I hug him tight.

Mean while

Fabio's POV


Johnny walks out of the bathroom I'm my room naked, he jumps I'm sorry. My shower isn't working, he covers up. I preferred you without it, fuck your so sexy. You should not be saying this, your with Sunil. Were are not together right now, plus he gave me free passes.

I've always wanted a piece of you Fabio, since the day I met you. Your so sexy, you made me jealous. Oh I did, lovely.

He begins to drop the towel seductively, what do you want my bubble butt. While twerking or my 8 incher. As long as you fuck me, Sunil said your dick is amazing. It draws you in for more, he said he bottoms more often now.

Yeah he can't get enough of me I say, Johnny pulls our my hard cock, fuck that's big. He begins to suck it, fuck Johnny omg your better than I thought you would be. Johnny I'm gonna Cum, cum in my mouth. I cum 8 ropes of thick cum in Johnny's, mouth. Fuck your still hard, he begins wetting my dick with spit. He inserts in into his ass, oh fuck Johnny Gasps. Dont getting addicted, I'm with Sunil I say setting boundaries.

He begins lowering him self until my full length is in him. Fuck Johnny your so tight, fuck yeah Fuck me Fabio. With that big python, empty those balls in me. I begin thrusting into Johnny harder, oh fuck Fabio just like that. I'm gonna cum Johnny squeals, he cums on his chest and mine. I thrist harder, you like a sex God Johnny says. Im gonna cum johnny, i leg ouht 7 thick loads of cum out. I pull out hearing a pop, and my cum ozees out of Johnny ass.

He lays onto top of me, I feel his tears. Hey what's the matter Johnny, I thought I lost Sunil forever when I thought he was dead. I felt like it was my fault, I should of broke up with him after my foray mistake. Atleast he wouldn't be this damaged, its all my fault.  No he needed those lessons, he told me thsi himself. It helped him learn things, on how to be better. It only made him stronger, I had a similar experience. But it makes you stronger, to fight for the people you love. Nothing was ever your fault, things just happened That cause you both to make mistakes. He loves you Johnny, that should prove enough. If everything was your fault, do you think he would be speaking to you i say. Your right, You have such a way with words.

Johnny eyes roll back, he begins shaking. Johnny your ok, something has happened to Sunil he says.

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