Tree of WILLOWS woe

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Fabio's POV

How could I cheat on him, and say I don't want to be with him. I was just so angry, has he left without me or is he still here. FUCK I shout as I punch the wall, don't do that Lucas says. See look you hurt yourself, GET OUT. BECAUSE YOU AND ME I LOST MY BOYFRIEND, MY ONE TRUE LOVE. He leaves, I've lost him. He's probably with Johnny playing Happy family, or he's with a new boy. Why am I so stupid, what have I done.

I ruined this over him trying to protect me, this is the only one thing I truly regret. I miss him already, I begin to cry.

I just pray he comes back through the door, so he forgives me. But even I can't forgive myself how do I expect him too, I go to the city to think and have a break.

I see Sunil with a boy, smiling and laughing. He's found someone already, he is sexy, I am really fucked now. I've messed everything up now, goodbye I say to myself.

Sunil's POV

a few days later, today Patrick goes home. Ready to be a bottom, erm I don't know. Well you will be, I begin Sucking Patrick's soft cock. With each suck it increases in size, fuck your so good at this. He is on his back with his legs spread, I begin to lick his balls. Yeah suck them juicy balls, I make my way to his ass. Oh fuck omg, that's new oh fuck. I try to push in my tongue, off limits he says pulling my head up. I thought you liked it, off limits. Please it taste so good, off limits. I do it anyway for as long as I can, savouring the flavour. He pushes my head, off limits. Fine, I put my cock in, oh fuck. If it hurts we can stop, no I want to try it. I put a bit more in, I want it how I give it Patrick says. Are you sure for your first time taking it, sure. I begin fucking him hard, the bed rocks. Fuck oh god, fuck this feels so good. Fuck me, fuck oh yeah right their Patrick says, fuck your so tight.i speed up, grinding my hips harder. Fuck it's so big, it feels so good. I have been missing out Patrick says, yeah you have I reply. I'm gonna cum, cum for me trick. He cums over his and my body, fuck I'm gonna cum as his ass twitchs and clenched. Fill me wit your seed, I moan as i cum in Patrick. Fuck Trick your hole is so good, I'm gonna miss it. I begin to clean Patrick's abs and body from his cum, can I please eat you out one last time. I show my puppy eyes, fine. Tbh I liked it but shoving your tongue in felt strange, trust me you'll like it. I lick his rim, fuck this feels good, fuck the feeling the taste omg. I push my tongue in, fuck this feels better. I fuck his ass with my tongue, after sometime I stop. Gonna miss you Patrick, keep in touch. Will do, he hugs me. Talk with Fabio make it right, give him another chance. He says before he leaves.

I go to our hotel room, I knock the door. He opens it, Amore I'm so sorry. He says while hugging me, I know he meant it. I'm sorry I reacted by cheating on you. I won't do it ever again, I love you. Please be with me again, I beg you. I look at his hands as he grabs them, he has his promise ring on. I'm sorry, Fabio I say. Don't say no please, Fabio. No dont leave me I love you, Fabio let me- no I want you and no one else please he begins to cry, FABIO ROYALTY COLOMBO I forgive you. HD hugs me, i love you Amore.

Fabio's POV
So who was the boy you was with he asks, not a fight already. No he was hot, of you hit it I don't mind. We wasn't together I cheated, I Don't care if you fucked him. He was a friend, he stopped me from falling into the track. Oh thank god, his name is Patrick.

Yes I fucked him he confessed, I promise to never lie to you. Atleast he was honest, but it wasn't you Fabio. I wanted you but, you wasn't around. I love you so much Fabio I do, I would never purposely hurt you. I never told you because your mom was scared, she likes me alot. But she was scared if you found out you were raped, that it was me who told you. She was scared I'd end up dead like Elio, I refused. I wanted to tell you, but she said you would forgive yourself, he would make you kill me. You would fall apart, so I agreed. So you sis have to go through that again Sunil says. You did it for me, yes I always will protect you.

You wanted to tell me, but you were scared for me. Yes, I could never hurt you like that, for you to look me your lover in the eye to kill him. I know you love me alot, I could not let you go through what happened with Elio again.

I hug him, im so sorry I feel so stupid. I ruined your trust for me over protecting me, I'm sorry Amore. I begin to cry, he hold me Fabio it's ok. All that matters in I'm with you, and I love you. Y..ou.r right I say, want to go home I ask. Yes please, I love you Fabio Sunil kisses me on the lips. I love you to my Amore, u won't tell the kids about this. But I told Johnny, and Patrick. He wants a explanation, it's none of his business the news you received Fabio. No tell him, he deserves to know. I don't want him hating you for covering for me, its time for me to stop letting you do that Amore. We will tell the kids to, no I could let you do that. No they deserve to know, are you sure Fab. Yes, we'll ill be their every step of the way. You needed me and I wasn't their, I'm sorry Amore.

How are you, I feel used. I don't feel myself anymore, i can't sleep. I just feel scared, I just keep getting flashbacks. But their becoming more reoccurrent, I'm here for you amore. I'll protect you, I love you. He begins to cry, I hold him tight and put his head on my bare shoulder. I love you amore, I wipe his tears away. I don't feel like you want me Fab, I'm used If I was you I'd leave. No never I say, your my boyfriend. I love you too much to let you go, you are nor used goods. You are my boyfriend, and the best one I've ever had. I kiss him, I love you Amore. I'll always be here for you, no matter what happens. I don't deserve this, you do. You did what you had too for your family, that's one thing I admire about you. But the best thing about you is your personality, your smile and your laugh. Its cliche I know, but its true Amore.

Stop with the nonsense, just accept I still and will always love you amore.

We're in the studio, Sunil is in the booth while holding my hand as I sit next to him. Sunil randomly sing the song he sung in London.

If I sing ill dance

If you don't dance with me I'll dance anyway

Given me this chance

Let the doubts you have about us flow away

My eyes are only on you

I've got my eyes on you

Say yes to me

Say yes to us

Say yes to paradise

If you wanna go, I'll stay right here

Like a ship at sea

Trapped in a hurricane wind, I'll stay clear out of sight

My mind is always thinking about you

Say yes to me

Say yes to us

Say yes to paradise

If I sing will you dance

If you don't we'll do it anyway

I just want my mind on you

Say yes to me

Say yes to us

Say yes to paradise

I'll put on my Sunday best

And if you hurt, I will hurt

If you love, ill love too

If you fight ill fight for you

It doesn't matter as long as I have you

I know you have your mind on me

I know your eyes are on me

Now that you've said yes to me

Now that you've said yes to us

Now you've said yes to paradise

Wow that was great, I recorded it all. No way, just need instrumental and editing.

Fabio's Colombo's Gay ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now