Tree Of ACACIA of Woe

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Fabio's POV

I go to the house to see if Sunil is home, he isn't. He must of went to the studio, to finish he's new song.

I see papers on the desk, it looks like a song. I read it out,

Nobody wants my love now

Not even in this mortal world

That is not true he has me always, I felt bad this is how he feels. But he should know he can talk to me anytime I say i to myself.

I continue reading

How can I heal these wounds, nothing works no matter how hard I try.

At these dark nights, the same dreams occur

Their us a angel in black, holding a sepcture

A voice calls me in the grey clouds, from golden lights above

With no luck, their is no hope for me now

Where is my salvation, after all I suffered

No one wants my loveee now, nobody to help share my pain or a shoulder to cry on

Their is no hope for me to surrender this pain

On these pillows I lay restless, I have evil dreams

Till my final summer, till my final autumn, till my final winter, till my final spring.

Till my end off my world for me, my destiny is cursed

My soul has no place to call home, this soul is alone

Fires of black are burning my dreams to nightmares

Those nightmares, those nightmares, those nightmares, those nightmares

I will have till my final days, till my world ends

Am I just the curse that spreads with no cure

Those nightmares, those nightmares, those nightmares, those nightmares

No one wants my love now, not even in the mortal world

How can I heal these wounds, No matter how hard I try

No one wants my love now

No one wants me now, I'm just a tourtered wanderer

With no place to call home, no one to call family

What am I even good for, stuck in this withering life

Full of darkness, my heart begins to turn cold and black

My soul turning to stone, I no longer feel pain I am numb

Been hurt so many times, who can I call mine, who can I call to help.

The people I had disappeared, i thought I would be stuck in the darkness

Until I found a boy to call me amore, than I realised he loved me

Those nightmares, those nightmares, those nightmares, those nightmares

I can't keep reading this I say, Sunil walks in hey Fabio why are you crying. It the pain your suffering with, you feel you have no-one. I do, what are you on about Sunil says. I pass him the paper, oh this he says. You wasn't meant to see this, you should of told me amore. I hug him, im fine and I know I can. But you did not, Fabio this was during when John left me, and it's about me too how I left you. Yes but you need to read on, incant it hurts me. No Fabio you have to he says, so I do.

It was me and him against the world

My soul became to fillled with light, my heart became warm and bright

His light lifted my curse I had, he was the antidote when I though there was not one

I have a place to call home, my soul has a purpose to create a home

Those nightmares he helped me over come

No longer wandering alone

No longer restless with evil dreams

The clouds turned white, the darkness became a golden light

Somebody now wants me

Those nightmares, those nightmare, those nightmares he helped me, helped me overcome now.

You see now he says, you helped me out of the pain I was feeling. When I thought their was no escape, but it was you. Amore, Fabio it's true, I am so grateful to have you. When you left I felt the like that all over again, so I wrote this to get out the pent up feelings.  But with you I feel so much better Fabio, I love you. I love you to amore, I'm so sorry. But if you need to tell me something, don't keep it pent up. If you don't feel comfortable talking to me, speak to someone at least.

Sunil I'm so sorry you felt like that, I feel like a jerk. Your not, bit you can be at times I laugh.

Sunil's POV

Fabio is laying on my chest, I play with his hair. He gets a message, still up for a meeting. I think nothing of it, I trust Fabio. He loves me, I know he won't break my heart.

I slowly get up out of bed, I look at my phone. I see a message of Mattia's biological family, can we please see Mattia. I go to his room, Mattia we need to talk. He hugs me you ok dad, I'm fine You ok putt (son). Yes dadi am, I just worry about you. I'm fine Matty, what happened to me is not your fault. Bit I'd do it all over again, if it meant protecting you. I had a message from your family, they want to see you.

If you want to live with them it's ok, if you want to just go see them. I'll take you, sure he says ecstatically. He hugs me, but I don't want to leave you. No it's ok, take a trial. If you don't like it, I'll come get you. Your the best dad, remember Mattia their Is no pressure.

Few weeks after

I take Mattia to his family's home, I leave to give them time.

I love you Mattia, of you need me ring me.

Few months later, its been awhile since Mattia messaged. I just though he was busy and having fun, so I did not want to disturb him.

I go to France to set up tour, I see Mattia.  He runs into my arms crying, hey what's the matter. I can't tell you their watching and listening, hey Maria says. What you doing here, setting up tour. Have some time with Mattia, they say and leave.

He gives me his phone, I leave it in a locker.

Hey what's wrong I say as he crys into my room, it's the worst decision I made, they abuse me. Physically a and mentally.

It all started a week after I moved their, they were nice. But I noticed they were distant, they started to hit me. My cousins changed, they hated me and left me out. They blamed me for my parents death, they died I wanted to go to Madrid. Because of that, I cuaed their death. They would blame me for everything, which lead to me being beaten. Why did you not tell me I would of came and got you, they took my phone and monitored it. You seemed like you was having fun, when I saw your posts and stories. It was fake dad, d...o. he begins to cry, hey its ok I hug him. Why did you not come back home, I was scared you did not want me because I left. Your my son, of course I would want you. Its so weird, why they wanted you. They knew you would send money, they would use it on them and not me. Really, d...o yo..u not believe me dad. I see tears in his eyes with a worried look, I thought out of all people you would. Hey Mattia I, he gets up and goes to leave. I grab him tight, get off me. No listen to me, no. MATTIA LISTEN TO ME. He turns around, I do. It just hurts me I let you go, it's all my fault.

How was you meant to know, its not your fault dad. You been through enough, I should of known only I could protect you. Dad its not your fault, I'm sorry Mattia please forgive me I cry. Dad its ok, it wasn't your fault.

I get up and go, dad please don't be like this. Fabio stops me, what's wrong. It'd Mattia, I hurt him once again. Why what's wrong, his family abuses him. Fabio I can't deal with this, how have i not broken down.

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