Knife To The Back, Back To The Knife

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Sunil's POV
I wake up, I'm sorry Johnny says. Doesn't mean anything ok, you fucked me over. What a friend you turned out to be, your loyalty is shit. I'm out of here, I leave and get home. Fabio stops me, sort it out. No, I need to think want me to come or shall I stay can you stay please ill be back hopefully.

Johnny's POV

Sunil has released a new song, I say to Fabio. Shit it's about me, fucking he'll man. He's been quite spontaneous these day, I click play.

Your loyalty was like the venom of a cobra

What a poor execution of loyalty, had alot of obligations with you

I'm in pain, my emotions have given up.

I don't deserve this off you, after everything we shared

You know what you did, I hope you wonder was it worth it

But was it actually worth a fuck, but fuck it I won't respect or disect it

I knew you was slipping, I'm sick of missing the message

You took advantage of me, I'm sick of crawling on and off

I hope you miss alot of what we had, looks like what I thought we had common bond was wrong

That I thought made us close, I saw it disintegrate to cinders

I thought I saw a friend in you, but the thought burned just as quick

You caused all of this, your motherfucking loss

Always starting shit to hurt me, I'm always one step ahead checkmate.

You're the type of friend to watch me spiral out if control

You never gave a single fuck for me

This is how I say good riddens to you, I dig a grave and throw the memories in

This is my Graveyard of memories

This where these memories now belong, in the cold earth

You made me the villan, when it was you who fucked up not sending a invite

I do not stay at the grave to rot reminiscing

This is my Graveyard of memories

This is where my ex Bestfriends memories are buried and lay

This is where all where everything ties us together

We used to see and message eachother daily, then it stopped

I seen some snakey business of yours online, yeah did not even tell me about it

Speaking about me to give you the  good image, your the fake ass bitch

Now when I see you my blood boils, my rage will be waiting for you at the battlefield

I never relied on you, because onse day you would stab me in the back

I used to dream I could build a house into a base of a family

You thought you had the strings, when I had you on a close eye

I changed the direction the wind would blow

I saw all the shit you did without me, but your loyalty is with the people who are fake to you

You used to be proud to call me a friend, but now I'm disgraced EX to you

I always have lost relationships, their all gone now

The love you claimed you had for, me died that day on the 21st of Jan

It's time for me to go, because I knew you would betray me

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