Trouble, Agression, Guilt Are The Sounds That Echo

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Fabio's POV
He's upset i am, I know what I did was  wrong. But I was only thinking about the kids, when I should also be thinking about my Husband. I just thought I was doing the tight thing, Kevin walks in. Hey dad he says, can we speak. Sure I say, I know you were trying g to do the right thing. But Johnny made the mistake, why does dad have to make it right. Johnny needs to do that, not use Sunil to talk to them and sort it. Johnny needs to do that himself, dad and for that you were wrong. You should know, that Johnny has to do this. Its his mess, he just thinks dad will bail him out all the time. When this time he shouldn't have to, he is using dad's influence to change my brothers minds.

I'm so angry, he is right. But Suni should be saying this to me and no Kevin, he's using Kevin as a messenger. WHO DO YOU RHINK YOU ARE TO TELL ME THAT, YOHR DAD SHOULD NOT BE USING YOU AS A MESSNEGER. I clench my fist, Sunil Runs in. Oh what you gonna hit him, go on hit me instead. Why are you shouting at Kevin, he hides behind Sunil. You too pussy to tell me sunil says, NO, YOU USED HIM AS A MESSENGER. no I did not Fabio, I told him how I felt and how you were wrong. I clench my fist, go on hit me. Go on hit someone your own size, I know you would never hit me. We may fight, but you will never hit me.

I punch Sunil, he falls to the ground.

Sunil's POV

Fabio hits me, I look into his eyes. I get up, grab Kev. Fabio grabs me, amore I'm sorry I don't know what came over me. I push his hand away, Amore I'm sorry I did not mean to. I go into Kevin's room and lock the door, My lip is bleeding. Dad im on sorry Kevin says, because of me you got hit. Kev it's not your fault, I hug him. What you said to him, is what he had to hear.

Your not in trouble, it's ok. No it's not, Fabio hit you he's anger took over. I know, I thought I helped him Bury it. Turns out, I did not do enough. I hear Fabio shouting, and banging. Kevin wait here I'll be back, no dad you can't go you'll get hurt.

I walk in too the room, Fabio stop. I told you about hurting yourself over me, he goes to punch the wall. Stop, inorder to punch the wall you will have to kill me, I sit him down and hold his hands. Its ok, calm down. 20 minutes later he's calm, he touches my lips. Look what I did too you, fuck I'm such a idiot. I get up and leave, Amore I'm sorry.

I hear the front door open and close, Kevin I go to Kevin's room to see him gone. I go to my bedroom window, I jump out it landing on the lower part of the roof, I glide down a tree. Kev, wait. I catch up to him, I hold his hand. It's all my fault, if I shut my mouth, you would not of got hit by the love of your life. Kevin it's not your fault, in glad you said what you did. Because he woukd not listen to me, I'm so proud of you. You stuck up for me, I appreciate so much. I love you, I hug him. I probably would of got hit, it would of escalated to that.

Kevin it's not your fault, can we go for a walk. I take him to my normal place, I lay on the grass. I open my arm for Kevin, he puts his head on my chest. Kevin you worry to much, you need to know we want you. Running away or leaving won't help, we want you. Your my son, I play with his hair. Unless you want to leave, no I don't. I just think like that, you need to stop thinking like that. We all care for you, I kiss his head. You have suffered alot, you have alot of pain. For a kid, I touch his head and see everything he went through, it's holding me back Kevin says. That's why I'm quiet, scared and I leave. I'm taking your suffering and making it mine, I kiss his head. No dad you can't, Kevin I have too.

He begins to cry, I get up he hugs me tight. What's the matter, just have not had someone care for me the way you have In awhile. I forgot what love felt like, oh my sweet child. I'm so sorry, I kiss his head. I'm always here for you, so are your brothers and your dad we will always love you.

Hour later, we go back home.

Nidal asks what happened to my lip, I freeze. I'm not able to speak, Fabio starts to speak I p.. Kevin says he fell. Must be a concussion Kevin says, ill take him to bed.

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